Injury ~ { Life With Rika and Kyojuro }

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I was preparing dinner for Master and for Kyojuro. I was slicing up the meat to put in the stew, and Master walked in.

"What's for dinner?" He asked.

I held up the tray of chicken I was slicing. "Chicken and vegetables. I'm adding them to soba for you guys."

"Yakisoba. That sounds great. Thank you. Anything I can help with?"

"I don't think so. I'm not even sure If Kyojuro will be finished his mission in time for dinner, but I'm making enough for him, anyway. If he doesn't make it, then there's extra for you."

I could hear flapping wings outside. "Is that Korin?" I asked.

Master walked out of the kitchen and I waited for him to return. I didn't think I'd have any orders this evening. But I guess if I did, I'd have to put off dinner. After a moment, Master walked back into the room with a crow on his shoulder.

"It's Kyo's crow!" I said. "What are you doing here? Where's Kyojuro?"

"Lord Kyojuro has requested I send you a message before he collapsed."

"What!? Collapsed? What happened?"

"He fought a demon and has been taken to the butterfly mansion for medical care."

I turned to Master. "Go." He said. "I will finish dinner."

I set my knife down and went to my room. I grabbed my sword from the rack and ran out of the room and down the hallway. "I'm sorry, Master!" I shouted as I left the house.

"Kaname! Show me where Kyojuro is." I said.

Kaname flew ahead and guided me to my destination. He stopped at a house similar in size to Master's, except his was one floor. This seemed to have a second floor. I stopped outside the gate, hesitating. Was I supposed to just walk in? I walked through the gate and stopped at the front door.

"Hello? Is anybody here?" I asked.

Nobody answered, but Kaname said that Kyojuro was here. So I went in. I was bound to come across someone inside. I walked around the hall. I felt strange entering somebody's house like this, but I had to find Kyojuro.

"What are you doing? Are you looking for somebody?" Somebody said from behind me.

I turned around and a girl with a butterfly pin in her hair was standing by a door. She looked about my age, maybe a year or two younger. She was very pretty and looked very kind.

"I'm looking for Kyojuro." I said.

"Hmm, I'm not sure about a Kyojuro. We have a few people here. Can you describe him?"

I smiled. "He has flaming hair." The best way to describe him.

"Oh, Rengoku. Yes, I can show you where we have him."

She led me down the hallway and stopped at a door. "He's quite injured, but I think he will be alright. It seems he took a hit protecting another slayer."

"That sounds like my Kyojuro."

"Your Kyojuro? I see now. He is someone who is special to you, isn't he?" She smiled.

"Yes, he is." I said.

"He's in here."

I opened the door and saw Kyojuro lying in a bed, and he was asleep. I ran in and went to his side. He was wearing nothing but pants, so I could see his bandage wrapped chest. His arm was also wrapped, and it looked like it was broken.

"Kyo... What happened to you, my love?"

I put my hand on his, and his eyes opened. They looked around the room before they landed on me. When his gaze met mine, he smiled.

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