| Chapter Twenty-Seven | Aftermath

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I sat there, kneeling in front of Kyojuro's body, numb. The kakushi had arrived and began to move his body.

I wanted to protest because I didn't want them to move him. I didn't want anybody to touch him. But what good would that do? He needed to come home. He needed to be buried. We had to have his funeral. We could do none of that with him here.

They picked him up, and I watched them put him on a sheet and covered him. I stood up and walked beside his body. I put my hand on his. It was still a little warm. Together, Kyojuro and I went home to the Rengoku family.


Kyojuro... He was dead. The words shocked me to the core. Even more than when Master died. I sat on the porch and stared at the ground. A warm body approached from behind me inside the house, and sat beside me. I didn't bother to look up. I knew it was Senjuro.

I was numb. Kyojuro was dead. My husband was dead and I couldn't save him. Senjuro shook beside me, and I turned my head. He was holding his knees and sobbing into them. I pulled him close to me, and held him tight. My husband might have been gone, but I was still a Rengoku. I would be there for Senjuro.

"It's going to be hard on us all. I won't deny that, Senjuro. But Kyojuro loved us, and he wouldn't want to see us cry like this."

Yes, great talk. I knew full well that when I was alone, I would end up breaking down, and crying. But I had to remain calm and collected for Senjuro. I held him like that for a while, and then Shinjuro came out, asking Senjuro to go inside with him. I let the father and son have some time alone. I stood, and walked from the yard and went home.

The evening felt cold. Kyojuro was no longer in this world. How would I feel warm again? Don't let my death freeze your heart. That was all he asked of me. Could I keep that promise? How would I do that? I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream, I wanted to slice the demon up that did this to my Kyo. Don't let myself succumb to my sorrow. Kyo wouldn't want that. I dried my eyes and looked up at the sky.

"I love you Kyojuro Rengoku. That will never change."

Warmth flowed through me, and it made me smile. This was the same warmth that Kyo had. I moved my hands to my belly. There was a little one growing in there. I would have a piece of Kyo with me always.

Another warm body approached. I looked up, and dropped my hands. Giyu walked slowly into the yard. I didn't expect any visitors, so why was he here?

"I... wanted to come see how you were doing." He said.

My smile was replaced with my cold mask.

"I'm fine." I said.

"You know I can see through that act." He said.

I jumped off the porch and stalked past him.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Maybe I'll go kill a demon." I said.

"You know you can't do that." He said.

I stopped and turned around and glared at him. He was going to insult me now? Right after asking how I was doing?

"You know what Giyu, fuck you."

He frowned. "I meant that you can't fight a demon in your condition. Carrying a child is hard enough on your body. You've already seen what happens if you try to fight like this. You will get killed. That can't happen to you."

He walked past me and was going to leave the yard. I stood there shocked. He knew I was pregnant? But how? Did Kocho tell all of the other Hashira?

I couldn't let him leave without answers. I'd ask him how he knew about my pregnancy.

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