| Chapter Thirty-Five | Trust

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I woke up and rolled over, but Kyojuro wasn't in bed with me. I sat up and looked around. My eyes widened when I found Kyojuro's haori folded up and sitting at my feet. Sitting on top of it was a paper. I picked it up and read.

Rika, my love,

I have something to tend to, but am looking forward to meeting you at noon. You will be on my mind all morning. I leave my haori with you, so please take care of it for me.


As I read the letter, I smiled and looked at the haori. After getting up from the bed, I set the paper down on the desk and dressed in my favorite kimono. The one Kyojuro had gotten for me as a gift.

I glanced over to the rack that held Kyojuro's uniform, but it wasn't there. So he left the house today in uniform. I wondered what he was doing.

Once I was dressed, I grabbed his haori and put it over my shoulders and wrapped it around me. It was large enough on me to be like a cozy blanket. It was a very rare thing for Kyojuro to leave the house in uniform without his haori.

I would take it with me when we met up with each other at lunch. I would give it to him then, and his uniform would be complete.

When noon approached, I left the house and went to the dining shop. I went inside, chose a table, and sat down. I glanced at the stage and there were two male dancers in beautiful kimono dancing. The fans were always moving, and it was always fascinating to watch. One dancer was blonde, and the other had brown hair. Their kimonos matched them perfectly, and I was happy that Kyojuro had suggested this place to meet me.

"Rika! Is that you?"

I turned and found an old friend approaching me. She sat down at the table and smiled at me.

"Ichika, it's been years since I've been able to talk to you! How are you doing?" I asked.

I turned to the entrance but Kyojuro hadn't arrived yet. I was a little early, so I'd have to wait a little longer.

"I've been great! You look like you've changed! You're smiling!"

Ichika was somebody that Master had introduced to me years ago. Back then I had no interest in friends, but kept her as an acquaintance to keep Master happy.

The music ended, and the dancers left the stage, probably changing their kimono for the next dance.

"Yes, things have changed for me, and now I have a husband. His name is Kyojuro. And I'm Rika Rengoku now." I said.

"Oh, that's wonderful! I'm so happy for you!" She said.

Ichika was exactly how I remembered her. Always full of joy and happiness. It was odd that I had come across her here, of all places.

I glanced back at the entrance. Kyojuro sure was taking his time. I kept watching the entrance, waiting for him to walk through.

"Oh, those men are so handsome!" Ichika said.

I assumed she was talking about the men who were on the stage for the next performance. I didn't bother looking. I didn't care. The only man I was interested in looking at was Kyojuro, and he was very late.

"That blonde one is to die for." She said. I knew a blonde man that I actually would die for. "The way he stands so proudly, he's amazing."

I rolled my eyes. "If you're so attracted to him, then go ask him if he's single after his dance. If he is, then invite him to join us for lunch. Kyojuro is on his way here and he's going to be joining me. I'd be happy for you to meet him."

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