The Misunderstanding ~ { Life With Rika and Kyojuro }

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Kyojuro Rengoku

I watched Rika walk off and was frustrated with myself for having been too busy for her. She took care of me while I was injured, and I repaid her with being elsewhere. Now I just returned, and we spent an hour together and she had to leave.

The Water Hashira called on her. He knew her skills were those of a prospective Hashira, and he wished to help her hone them.

I paced around the yard, battling with myself. Would I go? Would I stay home and wait? Spending time with Senjuro would be wonderful. But Rika would likely be the one home first.

I decided I would go too, to the residence of our Water Hashira and wait for Rika. I'd stay out of the way of her training, but I'd be there to accompany her home. I hadn't been there before, but I knew my crow could help.

He flew down, landing on my shoulder after I whistled. "Can you lead me to the estate of the Water Hashira?"

He raced off, and I followed at a run. When I ran into the yard, Rika was lying on top of Tomioka and she was leaning close to his face. The breeze from my entrance blew his hair, and she pushed it away. Neither of them acknowledged me.

"I'm sorry! I'm not used to doing this with you, so I don't know all your movements. Your eye might end up bruised." She said.

She put her hand on his cheek and leaned forward to look closer. What did she mean? She wasn't used to doing what?

"Oh, Giyu."

She said his name in a manner I disliked.

"I'm going to have to interrupt this." I said.

She jumped away from Giyu after turning. She stood up and was silently staring at the ground with a red face.

Giyu turned his head. "Rengoku. Why are you here?"

I only glared at Tomioka. While he may have been a Hashira, that didn't give him the right to behave this way with another man's flame.

"Rengoku, it's not what you think." Tomioka said.

"I'd rather hear it from Rika. She's the one I trust." I said.

I held my arms out, and she rushed and hugged me. "Kyo! I promise it wasn't what it looked like."

I know, Rika, I know you wouldn't do this to me. "So what's going on? What happened?"

"We were training, and we collided in the air. He saved me from being hit in the face, but I bruised him on our way down. I was inspecting his injury."

Tomioka was lying on the ground and nonchalantly getting up. "She knows how to move, but she doesn't work well with a partner."

"I'm aware. Rika has never been one to enjoy the company of others. I am the first she has been willing to work with." I said.

When Tomioka looked at me with a neutral expression, I didn't know what he was thinking.

"Kyo, I'm sorry for what that looked like. I really mean it when I say it was nothing." Rika said to me.

I smiled at the woman in my arms. "If this is the kind of training you'd like to do, then by all means, ask me." I laughed.

"Perhaps when you train with Rika, you can work on teamwork." Tomioka said.

I turned and glared at him. "Do not tell me how to train her."

I didn't need to be hostile; I realized that. But I noticed the look in his eyes as he watched her. It was the same way I looked at her. And I didn't appreciate it. Tomioka had feelings for Rika and wasn't admitting it. That was dangerous. I knew from experience.

I turned back to Rika and leaned down, kissing her hard. I knew I didn't need to. Rika was honest, and I knew she would never do something like that behind my back, but I didn't trust Tomioka. I didn't know if he'd try anything.

"Kyo. I'm sorry. I really didn't-"

I put my finger on her lips and I smiled. "I know, my love. I know you would never."

"Rengoku, why are you here?" Tomioka asked again.

"I came to escort Rika home."

Rika pulled out of my arms. "But Kyo, I just got here."

"I wasn't asking you to leave now. I was only going to stay awhile and out of your way while you trained." At my emphasis, I turned my head towards Tomioka.

Tomioka sighed and picked up his bokken. "Go get your bokken." Then he turned to me. "Porch. Now."

I walked to the porch and sat down. Tomioka put his arm around Rika and walked beside her, crossing the yard. I growled, but said nothing. I knew Rika could handle it. She turned to me and winked. My heart skipped a beat as she smiled at me.

I watched them work alongside each other as they sliced bamboo stalks in unison. I determined then that while Tomioka trained Rika in teamwork, I'd train her in endurance. They continued working together until Rika decided she was finished.

"We don't have time for anything else. Kyo has been waiting patiently and it's almost time for dinner. I want to get back in time to help Senjuro."

I jumped off the porch and went to Rika. I gave her a swift kiss. "Race you! If I prevail, then I get to request a date with you wherever I wish!"

She smirked. "Alright. I accept that challenge. And if I win, the date location is my choice." Then she turned to Tomioka. "Thank you, Giyu, for the training."

"You're welcome. Come back anytime." He said.

"I encourage you to continue to develop your skills with the Water Hashira." I said to her. Then called to Tomioka. "And thank you Tomioka, for taking the time to instruct her."

I didn't look back for his reply. I guessed he would have nothing to say, and I was right. He remained silent.

"Let's go!" Rika began to walk out of the yard.

I ran ahead of her and we left the yard and both of us rushed toward my home. I focused on my breathing and pushed myself. Rika didn't seem to put much effort in, so I wanted to see her push herself.

She laughed and took a deep breath and caught up with me. We were running side-by-side for a moment before she laughed again.

"Bye Kyo!" She shouted and picked up her pace and took the lead.

"Not that easily!" I said. I pressed my legs harder and her giggle made me smile as I advanced ahead of her.

"I'll see you at home, darling." She called out, then turned into a blur and ran ahead of me.

My eyes widened. She had been practicing since we last raced. I focused on my sprint and gave it everything I had. I also became a blur to anybody else watching me, but couldn't catch up to Rika. She had improved so much that now she could outrun me. I smiled, proud of my Rika for working so hard toward this goal, and reaching it.

I reached my home after her and she was waiting for me with a smile. "So, what do you think?"

"I think that our next date is your choice." I answered, grabbing her and spinning, while I leaned her back and held her so she wouldn't fall. I leaned forward and kissed her.

"I'm looking forward to it." She said, pulling me down and kicking my legs out from under me. I fell and twisted so that I wouldn't land on her. Instead, she landed on me.

"This, Kyojuro, is exactly what happened when you found Giyu and I."

"I like it better this way." I said.

"Me too." She leaned down and kissed me again. "So, about that date..."

"Later. Right now, I just prefer to kiss you."

We continued that way for a short time, lost in our kisses, until Senjuro came home, only to find us in the yard lying on the ground.

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