| Chapter Twenty-Eight | A New Day

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The birds chirped as I woke up. Daylight streamed into the room, and I closed my eyes again.

Kyojuro shuffled on the bed behind me, and I rolled over. I put my arm around him, lying beside me. I pulled myself closer to him and buried my face into his side.

"You smell so good." I said.

He stiffened, and I laughed. I didn't think that would bother him.

"Kyo, are you alright? You're still in your uniform. Why don't you undress?"

I reached out and felt around his waist for his belt, and when I found it, his hands quickly grabbed mine, stopping me from undoing it.

"Kyojuro, what's-"

I opened my eyes, and Giyu laid beside me, warily watching me. Right. Kyojuro was dead. I sat up.

"I'm so sorry, Giyu, I..."

"I know. You wish it was only a dream, but it's real. Rengoku is gone."

I couldn't believe I tried to undress Giyu. My face turned red as I turned away.

Giyu got up and went to the door. Before he left, he turned back to me.

"You need to have some breakfast. I'm going to make something for you."

My eyes widened at the thought of Giyu making breakfast. Somehow, I never imagined him cooking.

"You're going to cook?" I asked.

"You don't need to sound so surprised. I can cook."


I always did the cooking for Kyojuro. It wasn't that he couldn't cook, he just... didn't always do it deliciously... he did well enough to satisfy hunger.

"You're going to have a tough day, and I want to make sure you get it started with a decent meal so you don't get sick." He said.

I got up and got out of bed. I noticed my sword sitting on the rack, and the room had been organized. Giyu had done all of this while I slept?

"Thank you." I said.

"Don't thank me. Just come out when you're ready. You're going to eat breakfast."

He turned, about to walk out the door, when I spoke up. There was something I needed to know.

"Giyu, I want to ask you something." I said.

He stopped, but didn't turn back. He stood there, waiting for my question.

"What is it?"

"Before he... died..." That was hard to get out. "Kyojuro told me that... you're in love with somebody. Who is it?" I asked.

"It was you at first." He said.

My eyes widened. I had been blind and didn't realize it. Giyu was in love with me? Kyojuro must have picked up on it, and also likely what made him feel jealous of Giyu.

"But then there was somebody else. I'm sure she never felt the same because... she only ever insults me. And often tells me I'm a very disliked person."

"Who is she?"

"It doesn't matter anymore. I've chosen to live my life, and not bother with any sort of feelings. People don't care about me."

"I do. Giyu, I will always care. I said.

He turned back to me and smiled. It made me happy to see Giyu smile, because his smiles were rare, but beautiful. He was like a different person when he smiled.

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