| Chapter Thirty-Three | Upper Three

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"Rika! What the hell are you doing here? Leave!" He shouted at me. I could hear the fury in his voice.

"You didn't listen to me! I told you to bring another Hashira but you didn't! Stop being so stubborn!" I shouted and charged forward.

"Rika!" Kyojuro shouted.

I danced around Akaza quickly, but my body was already exhausted from the trip here. I lost my speed, and my legs gave out. I collapsed behind Akaza and he stood between Kyojuro and I.

"Rika? Is that your name? Are you alright? Wow you use Ice Breathing. I wonder how you would do against him?" I watched as Akaza approached me.

"Keep your hands off of her!" Kyojuro roared.

I stood and Kyojuro charged forward, and I looked at him, he was fighting his pain and forcing himself to attack. Akaza ran forward, preparing another strike.

"No!" I cried.

I forced my legs to move and stopped in front of Kyojuro. Akaza's fist approached my face.

"Rika!" Kyojuro shouted.

Akaza's eyes widened and he planted his feet and flipped backward, pulling his fist away from me.

"That was interesting." Uzui said.

"You're not going to kill my husband!" I shouted.

"Husband? Oh, that's unfortunate. Kyojuro! Your wife is getting in our way. Isn't it shameful to let a woman protect you?"

"Rika! Leave!" Kyojuro growled.

Kyojuro grabbed me by the waist and shoved me behind him. Uzui grabbed my arm, and pulled me back.

"Let Rengoku and I handle this." He said.

I watched Akaza dash forward and I pulled on Kyojuro's sleeve, forcing him to take a step back. His eyes widened as he stumbled and I positioned myself in front of him. My arms wrapped around him and I held on tight. I didn't care how pathetic I looked. I wouldn't let him die.

"Rika! How am I supposed to fight a demon when you cling like this?" He said.

He tried to pry my arms from his waist, but I wouldn't let go. He sighed and turned to Uzui. Uzui shrugged and turned to Akaza.

"Rika! Let go! Now!" He shouted again.

I didn't let go, and he growled.

"Uzui!" He said.

"What? She's your wife, deal with her. I'm not getting kicked again."

"You can't handle a simple kick, Uzui?" He asked.

"Not the way she does it."

"Rika, please follow my request, and let go! I need to fight! I don't want to lose you!" Kyojuro said.

"Hey, Rika, I'm ordering you, as a Hashira, to let go and stay behind with those kids." Uzui said.

"Screw you and your title!" I shouted.

Uzui shrugged again. "I figured. But I tried, Rengoku. You have a stubborn wife."

Uzui charged forward and attacked Akaza, while Kyojuro continued to try to remove my arms from his waist.

"Kyojuro, your wife is the only reason you're alive right now."

"Rika! Move! That is an order! There are repercussions for not following orders!" He shouted. "I will not ask you again!"

"I know. I know there will be consequences, Kyojuro. But I'm willing to face them." I said quietly.

He glared at me, and I could see the fury in his eyes. I would be facing consequences after, but at least he would be alive to enforce them. Failing to follow a superior's orders would lead to a severe reprimand.

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