The Tenth of May ~ { Life With Rika and Kyojuro }

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The morning was bright, and the birds were chirping. Today was the day I was waiting for. And even better, Kyojuro was mine now. I could really show him how special he was.

"Happy birthday, Kyo." I said to myself. Laying there, I smiled, thinking about how it was only a week ago that we had our first kiss ...and more. I cringed, thinking about how Master had seen us.

I still wondered why Master wanted to take him outside when he first met him. I guess it didn't matter; they came back inside laughing together, and Kyojuro was smiling. It made me so happy that Master had approved of Kyo.

I jumped up out of bed and went to the rack that held my uniform. No. I would not have any missions today. I wanted to wear a kimono for Kyo. I wanted to look good today.

I went to the closet, and my kimono collection sat on the shelves. There was a light blue one with white flowers. That was the one I wanted. I went and arranged it on the bed and went back to pick out an obi. These were rarely worn. This was a special occasion. The obi I picked was white with blue running along the middle. I went back to the bed and laid it out. The inner layers of my kimono mattered a little less, but I still chose the ones I liked the most.

I slowly got dressed and tied the obi around my waist. I looked in the mirror and I loved the light blue on me. Then I looked at my long hair. It was kind of annoying being down and ruining the look. I'd put it up today.

I grabbed some hairpins and a ribbon, then thought for a moment. What would Kyojuro like? He liked running his hands through my hair, so maybe not in a tight style. I grabbed the bunch of hair and twirled it in my hands, thinking.

"Oh, I know!" I said out loud. I tied my hair with the ribbon, and it was hanging down my back in one long piece. I grabbed my hair pins and looked at them. One was light blue and one was red. I grabbed the red one and pushed it through the hair tie, and it dangled with little red gems. I smiled. It reminded me of Kyojuro, the way it shone red.

I contemplated putting my blue haori on, but it had a tear in it. I didn't want to wear it and ruin the pretty look of my kimono.

"There. I hope Kyo will like it." I said.

I walked out of the room and down the hallway. Then I stopped and rushed back to the room, almost forgetting about the gift I had got for Kyo. Going to the shelf, I grabbed the light blue wrapped package and cradled it to my chest. I really hoped he would love it.

I walked back out of the room and toward the dining room. Master had made breakfast, and I sat at the table. I set the package in my arms on the table beside me and I waited.

Master walked through the door when he heard me enter. "Good morning. How are you this morning, my dear?"

"I'm good! How about you, Master?" I asked.

"I'm getting old. These bones of mine are creaking."

"You're only in your seventies, Master. You're not old until eighty!" And I'd say the same thing when he entered his eighties.

"You said that when I was in my sixties, I see what you're doing."

I laughed. "Thank you for breakfast, Master. I'm sorry I slept in today. I meant to wake up earlier to prepare breakfast for you."

"It's alright, I enjoy being able to take care of you. Before long, it will be Kyojuro you sit and eat breakfast with instead."

"Oh, Master, I'll never leave you like that. It can be the three of us eating breakfast." I said with a smile.

He smiled at me and gave me a plate. "Hurry and eat. What's in your package?"

I looked over at Kyojuro's gift. "It's for Kyojuro. Today is his birthday! I'm going to see him today. I asked him to meet me in that sakura field later this morning."

"Sakura? A romantic morning then." He said with a smile.

"No! Not like that! I... it's just... I like the field and I wanted to show Kyojuro how beautiful he is. Uh, I mean it is."

"You still get flustered when you think about him. Never lose that love, Rika. Keep it strong In your heart."

I finished breakfast and grabbed my package, thanked Master again for the meal, and headed out. I was looking forward to seeing Kyo.

When I reached the field, I saw a man sitting on the grass and the flaming hair made my heart race. He was also out of uniform. I ran forward and tackled him.

He turned and laughed, grabbing me and pulling me down on top of him. I smiled and leaned down and kissed him.

"Happy birthday, handsome." I said.

"Handsome? Thank you, Rika. My day is now perfect because you're here."

He kissed me again, and I sat up. We were squishing the gift I had got for him. I held it out to him with a smile. He looked at it and took it.

"What's this?" He asked.

"Open it to find out!" I said, excited to see his reaction.

He gently opened the package, careful not to rip the paper. I didn't care, because I already ruined the wrapping when I jumped on him. He set the paper aside and pulled out the red yukata and a red blanket.

"Thank you, Rika. As a child, I used to wear something similar." He said as he held up the yukata. And then he grabbed the blanket. He wrapped it around me and smiled. "You are exquisite today, Rika. Thank you for your wonderful gift. I will cherish this blanket. And every night I lie in bed, I will think of you and smile."

He liked it and that made me smile. I leaned forward and kissed him again. He shuffled closer and pulled me into his lap and held me tight, running his fingers through the long strand of hair I let fall.

"Where's your haori?" He asked.

"I didn't want to wear it today. It's torn. I think I need to change it up and get a new one." I laughed.

He smiled and kissed me again. "I love you, Rika Fuji. Thank you for making my nineteenth birthday something special."

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