| Chapter Forty-two | Hashira Encounter

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Rika Rengoku

He looked at the table, at what I had gathered for breakfast.

"What's for breakfast, my love?" He asked.

"Sweet potato rice balls with Miso soup and chicken." I said.

I knew how much he still liked sweet potato, and I waited for his reaction. It satisfied me to see his face light up.

"That sounds wonderful!" He said.

I smiled and turned back to the table. I wanted this breakfast to be delicious, and with Kyojuro helping, it would be less so.

"Kyo, why don't you go wait in the dining room?"

"I'm going to go to the yard, I would like to swing my sword." He said.

He left the room and went out to the yard. I began to slice up some chicken, and smiled.

"My Kyo, a swordsman at heart." I said.

I cooked everything, and when it was ready I set out two plates onto a tray, as well of a bowl of soup. I carried it to the dining room and set it down.

My feet carried me to the yard and I watched as Kyojuro swung his sword.

"Flame Breathing: First Form: Unknowing Fire!"

I watched him swing, but still no flame appeared. He was once the Flame Hashira, and now he couldn't use Flame Breathing.

He glanced over at me and he smiled. He rested the end of his sword in the dirt and laid his hands on top of the hilt.

"I may not be able to use Flame Breathing, but that won't stop me! I have the will to keep swinging my sword." He said.

"That's my Kyo. My wonderful amazing Kyojuro Rengoku." I said.

His face brightened at my use of his full name, and he nodded.

"I am. I am Kyojuro Rengoku." He said.

"Breakfast is ready, Kyo." I said.

He nodded. "I'll be in soon." He said.

He lifted his sword and turned.

"Flame Breathing: Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun!"

I turned, but not before a brightness caught my attention.

I quickly glanced back and I watched in awe as I saw his sword glow red, and a beautiful flame appeared as he swung in an upwards arc over his head.

His eyes widened, and he stared at his sword. The flame faded away, but his sword had turned red.

"Kyo! That was a nichirin sword!?" I called.

He grinned up at me and nodded.

"I... I kept one with me. I remained hopeful that it would change, but it never did. I don't think it had anything to do with my sword skills though." He said.

I stepped down from the porch and quickly walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around him and he put one arm around me, continuing to stare at his sword.

"Try another form!" I said excitedly.

He nodded and I stepped away, making my way back to the porch so I wasn't in the way. He took a deep breath.

"Flame Breathing: Third Form: Blazing Universe!"

He jumped into the air and swung downwards. I watched another beautiful flame appear, and Kyojuro smiled at the sight.

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