| Chapter Fifty-seven | Meeting

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Kyojuro Rengoku

Upon our arrival, I noticed the other Hashira were gathered. Tomioka as usual, stood away from the others.

"Rengoku! It's great to see you again! I've missed you!" Kanroji said.

"Yes, it has been a while." I said.

"Where have you been? Your hair is still short! Have you been keeping it that way?" Kanroji said.

"Couldnt imagine if that was the case. Rengoku with short hair." Shinazugawa said.

"The personal time I took away was to take care of our baby. Rika has given birth some time ago." I said.

I turned to the companion at my side and encouraged him to speak. He may not have been a Hashira, but he was summoned here for a reason. He remained silent, and didn't seem to want to speak in front of the other Hashira.

"Rengoku, I am happy to see you've joined us." Himejima said.

I nodded and looked around. Uzui still hadn't arrived, and I wondered where he had been. He was rarely the last to arrive. As the door slid open, we all turned, and I watched from the side of my vision as Mura dropped to his knees as if he has suddenly collapsed. We knelt before the Master, and waited for him to speak. Who would he greet first? Who would get to greet the Master?

"Kyojuro, child, it is wonderful to see you have joined us. I understand your family has been through a lot of hardship, and we are saddened by the sudden loss of Shinjuro." Master said.

I knelt there, forcing myself not to hang my head. Instead I would focus on being the one Master greeted. I would get to welcome him.

"Thank you, Master! From the bottom of my heart! I am thrilled to see that you are in good health. I brings me joy to welcome you before us!"

Master turned to Mura, and I watched as Mura tensed under the pressure of being summoned here.

"Mura, child, thank you for joining us. I have asked you here for a specific reason."

Mura remained silent, and continued to kneel. This might have been the first time I had heard him so silent. I supposed he was still thinking he had gotten himself into trouble.

"Look at him, so cool and collected just kneeling there. He's so handsome!"

"Kanroji, please control yourself." Kocho said.

I glanced up and watched as she covered her mouth with her hands and looked up at the Master apologetically.

"Please forgive me, Master."

"Mitsuri, you are forgiven. Now Mura, would you please stand?"

Mura stood, and kept his eyes on the Master, watching him carefully, and still remaining silent.

"I've recieved news, Mura. And it would seem that you have evolved Water Breathing into your own style. I commend you for your hard work." He said.

Mura glanced over at Kocho, and she smiled. He turned back to Master, and nodded.

"And so, I've made a decision that I think is very fitting. It would seem that we have an opening available, and so, I would like to ask you something Mura."

Mura's eyes opened wide, and I could hear the other Hashira's sharp intakes of breath beside me. I contained my own emotion, but the realization hit me at the same time. I knew what was happening.

"Mura, would you continue the fight for us, as a Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps?"

Mura knelt once more, resting his fist on the ground, and bowed his head.

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