| Chapter Fourteen | Moving Forward

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Kyojuro Rengoku

"Stay with me, please! I need you."

She was unconscious, but I needed her to stay awake. I was going to do everything I could to avoid the pain of losing Rika. I lifted her and cradled her against me.

"Please, my love. I will beg if I have to. Stay with me."

I turned to the slayer that they assigned Rika this mission with. She was dead and there was nothing I could do for her. Would Rika be able to be saved?

Kocho appeared after I heard swift feet advancing toward us.

"I received word from a crow that a Hashira was called for. I didn't realize the call had already been answered, Rengoku."

"Kocho! You can save her!"

Kocho looked down at Rika in my arms and gasped. She ran forward, and I laid Rika down so that she could check on her.

Kocho put her hand on Rika's neck. She shook her head and turned to me.

"No. Kocho! Save her!"


I shook my head and stood. This couldn't be it. Rika couldn't die. I needed her. It was supposed to me who died in battle, not her. Death would come for me someday, but it was supposed to leave her alone. I was supposed to protect her.

"No, Kocho! Do something! Help her!"

"I'll do everything I can, Rengoku, but she is weak, she is cold, and she suffered a lot of blood loss. Her heart rate is very low."

"Give her my blood, then! I'll do whatever it takes!"

"It doesn't work that way, Rengoku. Let's take her to my home. I'll do everything I can, but we need to hurry. Can you carry her?"

"Kaname! Please ask for someone to come take care of the deceased slayer." I called to my crow.

I leaned down and picked Rika up. Kocho and I ran as fast as we could toward her house.

"Please, Rika. Stay with me. I need you to fight now. I know you're exhausted, but fight. For me."

We reached Kocho's home, and she led me inside to a room.

"Go get Aoi for me, please." Kocho said to one of the young girls. Then she turned to me. "Lay her on the bed."

I set Rika gently on the bed and took a step back.

"Go get something to eat, Rengoku. I'll take care of Rika to the best of my ability."

"I'll stay here. I'm not hungry."

"Well, that's a first." She said. "Then at least stand over there. We are going to need some space."

I took another step back and remained as close to Rika as I could. Kocho sighed and shook her head. A young girl ran through the door to Kocho.

"This doesn't look good. What can we do?" The young girl said.

"She needs blood. She also hit her head hard, and it's bleeding. We need plenty of bandages. We need to stop the bleeding before her body goes into shock." Kocho said in a rush, then turned to me. "Rengoku. I need you to go do something for me."

"What do you need from me?" I asked.

"To go out to the garden and swing your sword one thousand times."

"Why!? I need to stay here with Rika!"

"No! You're pacing and you're getting on my nerves! I can't concentrate with you doing that. I promise that I'll do everything I can for Rika. Go to the yard and distract yourself."

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