| Chapter Twenty-Five | Hashira Meeting

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I waited on the Hashira that would meet with me. I knew it would be unlikely, but I hoped Kyojuro would be the Hashira joining me. The other Hashira had my respect, but I still preferred to work alone.

I laughed aloud at my first mission with Kyojuro, and at how angry I had gotten with him. Our swords clashing and him running off without saying a word brought back the wonderful memories. Had that been the start of me falling for him?

Now we've shared everything that a couple could, and I was happy. Being married to him was the last thing I would have ever expected of myself.

I walked along the river, waiting for a change in temperature. I had noticed no fluctuation, but I heard someone hiss. Shinazugawa looked at me with contempt as I turned.

"Why you? My crow told me I'd be helping ‌a Kinoe, but why did it have to be you? Why couldn't the master have sent Rengoku? Don't even think about being a hindrance."

A sudden wave of dizziness hit me, and I felt sick to my stomach. No, I wouldn't let a Hashira scare me. Nobody scared me, and I wouldn't let Shinazugawa be the first.

"Don't care what you have to say." I said while walking away and he clicked his tongue.

"Just stay out of my way." He growled.

"Then stay out of mine." I muttered.

An abrupt temperature change caught my attention, and I whirled around. A demon launched itself at me, and I swung my sword. I wasn't fast enough, and it dodged. Shinazugawa leapt over me and attempted to decapitate it. The demon twisted and headed straight for me.

I raised my arm, preparing to swing my sword. The edge of my vision went red as I jumped into the air and my body become heavy.

"Shit." Shinazugawa cursed.

I woke up in Shinazugawa's arms. "What happened? Put me down."

"The demon is dead. You passed out." He loosened his grip, and I got on my feet. "You almost hit your head." My vision blurred still, and I swayed. Shinazugawa put his arm around me. "What is going on with you?"

"I think I've been poisoned. My heart is beating fast and my vision is blurry."

Shinazugawa picked me up and ran. I didn't realize he was this fast. Everything flew past in one giant blur. The breeze blew cool on my face and it felt nice.

"You're going to see Kocho. Right now. If I let you die, I won't be able to face the other Hashira, especially Rengoku."

I passed out in Shinazugawa's arms, and woke up in a bed, with Kocho looking at me with a smile.

"Well, I've done some testing." Kocho said.


"It's not poison." She said with a smile.

"Then what's been wrong with me? I've been exhausted and feeling like throwing up often, and..."

I stopped talking because Kocho looked at me with a beaming smile. What was she so happy about? There had to be something wrong with me, and I would probably die.

"You aren't ill at all, Rika. You have something going on with you, but it is a good thing, I assure you." She said.

"Then what is it!?" I demanded.

"You're pregnant!" She said happily.

My eyes widened. Pregnant? Me? My mouth gaped, and I lost all train of thought.

"Are you sure?" I asked, unable to believe it.

"I am positive. I've run the tests twice."

I would have a baby? I was going to be a mother...

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