| Chapter Fifty-eight | Family Bond

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Kyojuro Rengoku

I stomped down the road. I've been stupid. As I watched Rika and her brother, I realized how I had abandoned Senjuro. I couldn't call myself his brother if I allowed him to be lonely at a time like this.

I glared as I began to pick up speed and ran to Senjuro. I had to get there as soon as I could. Rika was right, he needed me.

I made it to House Rengoku and shoved the door open. Senjuro sat at the table in the room, his head shot up and there were tears in his eyes.

"Oh, Brother! You're here!" He said.

He stood, and quickly wiped his eyes, then turned to the chair behind him. He snatched the haori and rushed to put it on, and fixing it so that it covered his arm.

Then he sat back down and laid the frame he was holding in his hand down. I stepped forward and picked it up.

It was a photograph of Mother holding Senjuro, and Father holding me. I took a deep breath and looked at Senjuro.

"They're happy, and together again, Senjuro. Just like you and I are together. I'm sorry I haven't come... I shouldn't be called your brother." I said.

"I know. I'm sorry to bring shame to you, so much that you don't want to associate yourself to me, but-"

I put my hand over his mouth, and pulled him in for a hug. I didnt want to hear him talk about himself that way.

"Senjuro. I said that I shouldn't be called your brother because I've failed you. And worse, I've abandoned you in a time of need. No brother would do that."

I leaned back, and his tears were falling now. I wiped them and smiled at him. My brother has grown up before my eyes, but he would always be my baby brother.

I took the haori from his shoulders and he stared wide-eyed as I tossed it to the floor.

"You don't need that haori. Embrace it, Senjuro. You survived a demon attack that would have killed anybody else. You are a Rengoku, you are strong, and you are a fighter. Youve made me so proud, Senjuro."

I felt I needed to tell him once more that he was indeed a Rengoku, and I was proud of him for who he was.

"I'm sorry I caused Father's death." He said.

I aggressively shook my head, and pulled him back in for a hug. His arm went around me and he began to shake.

"Senjuro, you didn't cause his death. Using Rengoku caused it. He did it for us. For you because he wanted you to live. And I'm going to be selfish and say he did it for me so that I didn't have to live without my brother."

Senjuro laughed and pulled away. I smiled at his smiling face, happy that he was able to.

"Kyojuro, I don't think you are capable of being selfish." He said.

"I am very capable of it, I assure you." I said.

"I'm happy you came. Oh! I want to give you something!" He said.

He stood and limped from the room. I hadn't realized his leg was still not back to normal. He peeked around the door smiling sheepishly.

"Um, actually, I think you might need to come with me. You should be the one to carry it. I'll probably trip." He said.

I smiled as I stood, following Senjuro into the room that once belonged to Father. It was strange entering the room without being reprimanded.

Senjuro went to the shelf, and pulled from the sword rack, Father's sword from when he himself was a Hashira.

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