001. the prison

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001. the prison


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      SOFIA ESPINOSA WAS never always a badass, walker-slaughtering teenager. In fact, she had a relatively normal life. She never knew her father, and her mother was around until she was only three. She had a brother and sister that took care of her and taught her how to survive the real world, though all of that advice went down the drain when the outbreak struck.

    When it all happened, Sofia was at a boarding school on the outskirts of Atlanta. It was for girls who would then go onto be in military school and eventually join the military. Sofia enjoyed it, she also aspired to be just like her brother had also been to military school and gone into engineering, but he helped in the making of jets and aeroplanes for the air forces. Her sister also worked in engineering at a mechanics near their childhood home, although her brother had always told her she was good enough to get into higher positions.

    When the outbreak struck, it wasn't about living to her full potential anymore; but simply surviving. She'd been one of the only survivors at her school and been in a group for a while until she figured that she was better at surviving alone. Then, she'd joined two other teenagers for six months, but they tried to kill her so she killed them. It made her feel inhumane, killing them. But eventually she learned to live with it, to shut it all out. She'd made a friend called Sally, she was a little older than herself.

    But Sally got bitten, and asked Sofia to kill her. Pleaded with her until eventually Sofia pulled her gun and shot her between the eyes.

    In the apocalypse, everyone seemed to develop a switch. Once you flip that switch, you only have a few seconds to do what you have to do. Sofia thinks it's always been there, like when the cavemen had to survive, it's just been awakened by these walking corpses. It's like adrenaline, only it makes you immune to emotion, only for a moment, but you are. And it's scary when it comes to having to flip that switch.

    So, Sofia was alone again. After Sally died, she felt as though nothing in this cruel new world could ever work out so she stopped trying. She was reckless with her own life.

That was before they came.

     It was like a nightmare at first, they'd entered the abandoned cottage she was residing in for the night. It was a nightmare, but she had her eyes open.

     They'd found her asleep on the sofa and she faintly heard their laughter before she'd felt the cold floor slam against her back as they threw her to the floor. She couldn't move because they wouldn't let her, she doesn't know how many of them there were, but she knows what they did.

    What they'd done to her, what they'll do to others.

    She was left lay in her own blood and bruised all over her body, tear stains on her face and an emptiness in her chest. When she had stood for the first time, she'd fell straight back down. How can they take so much yet nothing at once?

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