031. service

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031. service


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SOFIA HEARS HER sister getting ready to go out on a run with Spencer. She doesn't like the amount of time Rosita is spending with Spencer because honestly, she thinks he's a bit of a dick with a hero complex. He thinks he is in the right and Rick is in the wrong, but he's too much of a coward to do anything at all about it. Sofia also understands that ever since Abraham had abruptly broke it off with Rosita, she and Spencer have been hooking up.

Abraham. The thought of the cheery red head makes Sofia's heart ache. The thought of that night, the sudden plummet of her heart and the tensing of her muscles as she remembers how it felt to be there lined up and waiting to die. How it felt watching not one but two of their friends get brutally pummelled by a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire. Their family died so horrifically. Just the thought of it all brings stinging tears to her eyes and she swallows them down, shaking her head and wiping her eyes harshly.

There's a gentle knock on her door and she mutters a quiet response as she adjusts her dark purple tank top and looks to the door as it opens slowly. Rosita cautiously enters, placing her hat on her head as she does so and her hard eyes soften on her younger sister.

"Hey." Rosita says softly. Sofia offers her a quick smile, slipping her knives into her holster and raking a nervous hand through her dark hair. "Want me to braid it?"

"Aren't you heading out?" Sofia asks, knowing that her sister wants to go out. She can't judge nor try and stop her, because she was just the same way when they first arrived. Sometimes she is still that way now, just wanting to escape the painful clutches of an actual functioning society. "You should go. I don't want to keep you."

Rosita lets out a small sigh, placing a hand on her hip and nodding her head, "okay. Stay with Carl while I'm out, please." She says pointedly and Sofia lets out a small chuckle but nods her head nonetheless. Sofia knows that Rosita trusts Carl, the older Espinosa sees how the boy calms her sister and how much they depend on each other. That's why she feels so comfortable with leaving her sister with him, and she also trust Rick Grimes.

Rick has been rather distant for the past five days since that night. Sofia doesn't like seeing him so defeated and broken, it's hard to see the person you look up to so much crumble in front of you. Everyone knows how much Sofia admires Rick, they see her mirroring his actions and learning from his every move. They admire her for it, they find it fascinating that she can be moulded into a leader under the Grimes man's influence.

Rosita smiles sadly and her hand gently clasps around the back of Sofia's neck, pulling her gently and pressing a motherly kiss against her hairline. Sofia sighs and wraps her arms around her sister's middle, pulling her close and hugging her tight.

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