043. something after

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043. something after

 something after

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DWIGHT HAD GIVEN them a message. He told them where Negan and the saviours would be and they planned to ambush them. And Negan. Negan would die today. Sofia is stood with Daryl, Maggie and Carol, all of them with purple bandannas tied around their biceps. Carl is sat beside Judith who's playing with some of the dandelions sprouting from the grass. Sofia is wearing a black tank top with some jeans and one of Carl's many flannel shirts open and blowing in the wind.

       "We'll stick to this road, keep to the trees, we'll get there quicker." Daryl says to them as they stand around the barrel with a map splayed out on top of it. "Plus, we can keep an eye on the road that way."

       "Yeah, if they're planning anything, we'll see it." Rosita says before looking to Maggie with a small sigh. "You think you can trust Gregory? What he told us?"

     "I locked him up inside the house." Maggie tells them. "He knew I wouldn't let him walk around free. He knew he was coming back to that. He doesn't believe in anything except himself, and he'd have to believe in the Saviors a whole lot to send us into a trap and think it would work out for him."

     "Unless Dwight didn't tell him." Daryl shrugs his shoulders and Sofia sighs. "That asshole could be setting us up."

      "No, I don't think so." Sofia shakes her head, folding her arms. "But if he is, we'll be ready for it."

      Daryl nods at her and she wanders over to Carl and Judith. Judith smiles brightly at the Latina girl approaching them, holding out one of the yellow flowers from the grass.

     "Oh, is this for me?" Sofia grins, crouching before the blonde toddler and taking it with a laugh. Sofia grabs Judith beneath the arms when the little girl outstretched her arms towards her and lifts her up as she stands. She kisses Judith on the head firmly, hugging her tight and Carl smiles as he watches the exchange.

     Carl pushes himself to his feet, holding out a hand to Sofia who holds Judith with her left one, resting her on her hip as she takes Carl's hand, the teenagers walking towards Rick.

     "Hey." Rick says to them, smiling as Sofia hands over Judith. "You two gonna be okay out there?"

     "We will." Sofia nods.

      "Good." Rick nods, placing a firm hand on Sofia's shoulder and she gives him a small smile, letting go of Carl's hand and he watches as she jogs over to Rosita who's sorting out the weapons for everyone. "She's doing better."

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