017. party

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017. party

————✧⋆✧————                 THE GOOD THING about being from outside the walls is that you can make people believe that you're dangerous

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THE GOOD THING about being from outside the walls is that you can make people believe that you're dangerous. You can have people believe that if they say the wrong thing around you you might suddenly snap and gut them. Of course, Sofia isn't planning on gutting anyone because that would defeat the object of trying to blend in. But despite her efforts, she can't help the blank expression that is constantly settled on her features.

That stoic expression is what makes her seem to dangerous. The group had lost a lot of their sense of humour, but Sofia's face remains stoic even if she thinks something is the slightest bit funny. The only people that can make her laugh are her people, despite the attempts of the residents in Alexandria to make her crack a smile.

It makes her either seem dangerous or miserable, both of them can steer people in the opposite direction of her. She wants that, however she knows that others don't want that for her. Glenn, and Carl, and Rick all want her to try.

So, she's trying.

Approaching Deanna after helping Carl with Judith who was particularly grumpy that morning, Sofia has a determined expression in her face.

"Deanna." She calls and the woman stops in her tracks and turns to Sofia with a surprised smile. "I was just wondering. . .is there anything I can do to help? With anything? I could take a shift on watch sometimes."

"Why?" Deanna asks her and she frowns. "You're only a child, Sofia. You go to school, you don't need to pressure of responsibility like going on watch."

"I just feel like I'm not earning my place here." Sofia utters, feeling a little stupid saying that aloud but that's truly how she feels. Deanna said this place was about trust, transparency, so she's being honest. "I'm using your water and eating your food and I'm not doing anything in return."

"Sofia. This is your water and your food now." Deanna sighs, looking at her reassuringly. "We're all apart of this community." Sofia sighs, feeling slightly defeated. "I can put you on watch every once and a while, if it would make you feel better."

"It would." Sofia says quickly, smiling at her thankfully.

"I'm having a welcome for you and your group tonight at my home." Deanna says before the teenager can stroll away from her. "I'd like it if you and your sister would join us."

Sofia hesitates for a moment, "I'll ask her." She says, not really giving a straight answer but not wanting to upset Deanna after she's just agreed to put her on watch.

"Hey." A high pitched voice says as Sofia strolls down the street in the direction of their house and she frowns, turning to see Holly jogging down the steps off her porch. "I'm Holly—from the other day!"

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