005. are you an idiot?

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005. are you an idiot?

 are you an idiot?

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WAKING UP, SOFIA feels her head spin slightly before she can finally open her eyes without feeling the urge to throw up. It must have been a whole day since the attack because the only sound she can hear from where she's slouched exhaustedly is walkers moaning and fire crackling.

Sofia stumbles slightly as she shakily gets to her feet, limping towards one of the bins containing three machine guns making her sigh and grab a large backpack. She limps up the stairs and into her and the other's cell block. She stuffs some canned foods into the backpack as well as some clothes and ammo. Her eyes well up with tears as she grabs the sketchbook and pencils, stuffing them into a smaller pocket of the bag before grabbing her handgun, stuffing it into the waist of her pants.

"Fuck." She winces slightly as she bangs her grazed elbow on the bed before exiting the cell carefully, her machete clutched in her hand tightly.

She carefully exits out the side of the building, a small exit not many others knew about. Carl had showed her, hoping she's run off out of it and never come back. She reaches the field in front of the prison and sees the Governor's body, shot straight through his head.

Spotting Hershel's head, she notices that there's a slice through his temple from a blade. Squinting her eyes slightly, she looks at a boot print in the grass and she sighs, trudging towards the woodland and she comes to a muddy path where she sees more tracks.

Swallowing, she begins her trek down the path, feeling pain shoot through her body with every uneasy step, her machete hanging by her side as she wanders. Her eyes begin to sting as she holds back her tears, seeing the sun beginning to slowly set behind the trees ahead and speeding up her walk, wanting to find a house before nighttime. She'd secretly hoped that she'd never be alone again, that she'd always have Glenn or Maggie or Michonne around to look out for her when she was tired of looking out for herself.

But now she's all alone, perhaps that's the way it's supposed to be. Perhaps she's just destined to ruin everything, every relationship she forms; she breaks. Everything she helps build up gets torn down almost instantly. Every person she finds herself even slightly caring about, dies. It's sad, but it's true. At least, that's what she thinks. Of course, she knows how much Glenn and Maggie would argue with her about that and she hopes they're okay, out there somewhere together. They're survivors. Everyone in that prison was a survivor, she knows she isn't the only one that narrowly made it out after the bus had already left.

And she's certain that they'll cross paths again. She doesn't know when, she hopes that it isn't too soon.

There's an aspect of being alone that makes her feel a strange contentment; the silence of having nobody. It reminds her that there once was somebody; anybody. The silence now, however, is loud, almost deafening. In the few weeks she spent with them at the prison, she was able to adapt to having many people other than herself around. She adapted to having help when she needs it. And now all that's gone.

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