032. stolen mattresses

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032. stolen mattresses

 stolen mattresses

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(smut warning for this chapter,
feel free to skip:))

                          "I CAN'T BELIEVE they stole our mattresses." Sofia shakes her head as she rambles, pacing around Carl's bedroom as he sets up sleeping bags and blankets for them to lie on. His hat is perched lopsidedly on her head and she's wearing some grey pyjama pants and a large black tee that once belonged to Glenn. "I get guns and food—but who steals mattresses?"

    "I'd rather them steal our mattresses than our guns." Carl comments as he finishes setting out the sleeping bags and pillows. "At least without a mattress you can survive out there."

     "We should go on a run tomorrow." Sofia says softly as she sits in front of him on the mound of blankets and sleeping bags making him smile slightly. "I'm serious, Carl. Maybe we don't find anything but we might find something. And I know it's selfish but I kinda just would rather be out there right now."

     "I'll go on a run with you." Carl takes both of her hands in his. "If you promise me that you'll stop sneaking out at night."

     Shit. Sofia didn't think he knew about that. She often sneaks out of the house at night, not to do anything in particular, just to walk around the streets and sometimes join whoever is on watch for a little while. Sleep has been hard the past few days, for everyone, but for someone who's always had issues sleeping it's been torture.

    "I'm sorry." Sofia apologises softly as he fidgets with her fingers in his hands. "I haven't been able to sleep very well since—that. And you always used to help it but I just think it's too much to help lately."

     "You'll be okay." Carl reassures her softly, placing his hands on the calves of her crossed legs and she leans forwards, resting her forehead gently against his.

     There's a soft knock on the ajar door as Michonne gently pushes it open and the two teenagers look to her. She smiles at the sight of them in the dim light from the lamp, "Rosita's looking for you." She mumbles to Sofia who nods, squeezing Carl's hand before moving past Michonne who offers her a small smile. "She looks good, all things considered." Michonne says quietly to Carl who nods.

    "Ro?" Sofia calls out into the house as she enters, shutting the door firmly behind her and Rosita makes herself known in the kitchen. "Hey, you okay?"

    "Giving myself a haircut, you want one?" Rosita asks her and Sofia ponders it for a moment before nodding. "How much?" Rosita smiles as her sister sits in front of her and she runs her fingers through her dark hair.

    "A lot." Sofia whispers making a smiling Rosita frown. "I need a change."

    Rosita nods understandingly, going straight in and beginning to cut her soft hair.

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