021. come for them before they come for us

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021. come for them before they come for us

 come for them before they come for us

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                         SOFIA IS SAT on a sofa in Deanna's living room, Rick us stood going over the plan that he, Sofia and Daryl had stayed up perfecting. She is sat beside Maggie who's between her and Glenn. She had spoke to Glenn early that morning at around seven when she was going to go on watch, he'd called for her and jogged over.

    "Hey, how you been?" Glenn had caught up and strolled alongside her down the middle of the street. "I haven't seen you in awhile."

    "Just trying to stay busy." Sofia shrugged her shoulders softly, adjusting her belt. "I was gonna come and see you and Maggie before the meeting."

    "Yeah, about that." Glenn started, rubbing his hands together with a small sigh. "Sof, Maggie's pregnant."

    Now that has struck Sofia by such surprise that she'd stopped straight in her tracks with wide eyes. Glenn had stopped a little ahead of her, watching her face contort from shock to a small smirk and he had groaned, knowing she was about to make a crude joke.

    "Didn't your father ever tell you to wrap it before you tap it?" She had grinned and he'd rolled his eyes and slung an arm around her shoulders.

    "I don't even wanna know where you heard that." Glenn shook his head. "We're happy about it. We wanna start something here—we weren't exactly trying but—"

    "Ew, Glenn in the nicest way possible please don't talk to me about you and Maggie trying for a baby." Sofia grimaced and Glenn had rolled his eyes once again. "I'm happy for you, idiot." She nudges his side and he smiles. "You do know you cannot let Maggie come with us on Rick's plan, now, right?"

   "Yep." Glenn stated, popping the p with a small sigh. "It's gonna be difficult, getting her to step down from stuff like this."

    "Well, she's Maggie." Sofia laughed and Glenn nodded head in agreement.

    So, now Sofia is feeling a new sense of responsibility when it comes to Maggie. She probably doesn't need to, but she is scared of something happening to Maggie and her and Glenn's baby.

     Heath is telling them about how he and his team came across the quarry right near the start, "My team, we saw it early on, back when we were on one of those first scouts, finding out what was around here." He explains. Sofia likes Heath, he seems to know what he's doing out there. "There was a camp at the bottom. The people, they must have blocked the exits with one of those trucks back when everything started to go bad. They didn't make it. They were all roamers. Maybe a dozen of them."

     "No one's been back since?" Sofia asks him and he glances to her and shakes his head.

     "DC, every town worth scavenging are all in the other direction." Heath shrugs his shoulders. "And I never really felt like having a picnic next to the camp that ate itself."

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