016. weak

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016. weak


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THE NEXT DAY, Sofia showered again in the morning and is finally dressed in some low waisted black jeans and a long sleeved, light grey top, trudging down the stairs of the home they've all decided to reside in until they know they're safe.

Judith is sat in a pram that Carl is pushing gently back and forth to keep his sister —— who is used to being held in somebody's arms —— from crying. He smiles when he sees her joining everyone, "catch."

   "What—" Sofia quickly catches whatever is thrown at her and examines the apple clutched in her hands. "Apples?"

    "Aaron brought them by while you were showering." Rosita smiles, taking a bite out of her own apple and Sofia chuckles, taking an exaggerated bite from the fruit. "You think this is weird?" Rosita asks her sister in a quieter tone, taking her arm and turning them away from the others as they laugh and talk.

   "The apples or all of it?" Sofia smiles and Rosita sighs at her sister's question. "I think it's all weird. These people have no idea what the hell it's like out there, they didn't even have watchpoints around the fence."

    "Keep your guard up until we know what exactly we're dealing with in this place, okay?" Rosita says softly, moving some of Sofia's dark hair onto her shoulder and the younger Espinosa nods. Rosita glances over at the others before turning to her sister with a smug smile making her deflate slightly. "You and Carl seem friendly?"

    "Rosita, don't start again. Please." Sofia groans and Rosita holds her hands up.

    "Okay. Okay." Rosita sighs. "But, since I'm your sister, you have to tell me when you start having sex so—"

    "Ew! Stop, don't say that ever again." Sofia snaps as they slowly walk to join the rest of the group.

   "What?" Rosita smiles cheekily. "Sex?"

   "Rose!" Sofia hits her sister on the arm making her laugh, holding her hands up in surrender. They all filter out of the house and Sofia catches up to Carl who's pushing Judith in the pram as the others go head to do their respective jobs.

   Sofia is a little upset that her and Carl don't get jobs, she doesn't feel like she's really earning her place inside the walls. Nevertheless, she doesn't complain because that means that she doesn't have to interact with any of Alexandria's people until she wants to.

Carl walks alongside her silently for a moment, just basking in the peace around the three of them as they stroll, hearing children's faint laughter and the wind rustling the trees around them. He likes that they're safe, they've all had time to eat and wash and rest —— especially Sofia. He's worried about her, of course he's worried about her, she now has time to process what's occurred in her life over the past months.

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