012. beth

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012. beth


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SOFIA IS SAT on the hot tarmac opposite Tara who's evenly pouring the remains of their water supply into separate plastic bottles. Maggie and Rosita are crouched over Eugene and Abraham is on his knees a few metres away from the truck, staring off down the road they came from. Glenn is stood gazing at the walkers, making sure that they really are all completely oblivious to the group's presence.

Walking towards Tara and Sofia, Glenn sighs, placing his gun back in his belt. "They got no clue we're here." He utters, swallowing thickly and feeling thirst become more and more difficult to deal with.

"That's great news for GREATMS." Tara states and Sofia raises an eyebrow at the term. "In less great news for GREATMS, we just scraped the bottom of the water barrel."

"What is—what's GREATMS?" Glenn asks, clearly just as confused as Sofia who stands up from her place on the ground.

"Us. Group name. Solidarity. Band of brothers." She gestures to the first letter of each of their names that she's wrote in the cap of each water bottle. "GREATMS. Thinking about getting a tattoo on my knuckles." She chuckles and Glenn nods whilst Sofia just grabs her water and takes a small sip of it. "Sorry, I'm just trying to think of something else, you know?"

"Yeah." Sofia mutters, glancing at her half full bottle with a sigh. Maggie approaches them after being with Eugene for the past ten minutes to see if he's going to respond. "Anything?" Maggie shakes her head. "Should we take him back to the church?"

"Moving him could make him worse." Maggie sighs, placing a hand on Sofia's arm. She knows that Sofia is overthinking what might be going down with the rest of their group, whether Daryl and Carol ever returned and whether they're all okay.

Despite her cold and careless exterior, Maggie knows that somewhere in her heart she truly cares for them —— all of them. For some it's more obvious, like her and Glenn, Rick, Daryl and Michonne. . .and despite her so-called hatred for Carl Grimes it's clear to the adults of the group that there's something there too. Maggie believed that's why Sofia is trying so hard to hate him; caring too much really scares her.

"What will make him better?" Tara asks her and Maggie looks away from Sofia with a small sigh.

"Waking up." She states, looking concerned. "If he doesn't. . ." She trails off, but they all know what her silence means.

"Come on. You haven't had anything to drink all day." Rosita approaches Abraham, holding his bottle out in front of his face. "Take the bottle." She snaps firmly. "Seriously, my six-year-old nephew didn't pull this shit—" Abraham whacks the bottle out of Rosita's hand and the contents is splattered on the tarmac. "Don't do this, Abraham." She bends down to look at his face, becoming frustrated by his unresponsiveness. "Look at me!"

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