025. saviours

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025. saviours


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RICK AND THE others returned from Jesus' community (The Hilltop) after about three days and Rick had explained what happened while they were gone. Turns out a community that Hilltop were trading with was the same that threatened Daryl, Sasha and Abraham the day the herd got inside the walls. Apparently they like to call themselves the Saviours and they all work for one guy by the name of Negan.

Sofia had frozen in place at the name, so familiar to her ears. Because that night, that horrible night, she heard that name. Negan. Negan will be pissed if he finds out this is what we've been doin' instead of scavenging.

The fifteen year old had felt her chest tighten and for a solid ten seconds she physically couldn't breathe. Even after all this time, they're still finding a way to taunt her, to keep her mind from being completely at peace.

Apparently, Rick and the group had agreed to take out these Saviours and Negan in return for food from Hilltop. They had, yet Sofia has an awful feeling that this isn't even the beginning.

Carl is woken up by Sofia jumping from her slumber beside her, her chest heaving and her skin coated in a thin layer of sweat. Carl frowns, sitting up and gently pulling her into his arms and she calms down from her frantic state. He thought the nightmares had stopped, he thought she was past being woke at ungodly hours of the morning in a cold sweat and on the edge of tears.

"You're okay." Carl whispers, stroking his hand over her hair and pressing a firm kiss to the top of her head as he cradles her in his arms. "What's the matter? I thought you stopped having nightmares."

    "I did." Sofia murmurs, lying down on her side and Carl does the same, the pair facing one and other and Carl fidgets with her fingers between their chests. "Ever since Rick told us about Negan and the saviours—"

     Carl had had a sudden moment of realisation when he remembers their conversation back to the prison, sat on a fallen tree when she half opened up to him about her rough time before Glenn and Daryl found her. How the men that attacked her mentioned their leader. . .a man named Negan. God you're such an idiot, why didn't you put that together before?

    "Wait, you think they're the same guys from before the prison?" Carl asks her quietly and she purses her lips and nods her head. "It might be a coincidence? I mean. . .it's over 600 miles."

   "It's not a very common name. They said they'd been out for a while, maybe a week and they had a car. I heard the engine." Sofia mumbles and Carl sighs, intertwining their fingers and pressing a kiss to her knuckles. "I'm scared, Carl." She whispers and Carl's heart breaks a little because Sofia would be the last person to ever admit that. "Carl, I'm so scared."

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