020. just like me

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020. just like me

 just like me

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                         IT'S BEEN TWO days since the meeting, along with Reg and Pete's death. Sofia is sleeping in the sofa in Rick's house, Carl is eating breakfast with Judith and Michonne, his blue eyes occasionally flickering over to the sleeping teenager. It's around eight thirty, neither Michonne nor Carl have to heart to wake Sofia from her clearly much needed slumber. Sofia had crashed talking to Carl the previous evening.

    "Do you think my head is messed up?" Sofia had asked him in a whisper. Everyone was asleep and Sofia hadn't been able to sleep at her house. Luckily for them, her and Carl's bedroom windows where directly opposite one and other. She'd tugged on the rope they had strung between their windows and he had instantly rushed to his window and yanked it open.

     He crept downstairs to let her into the house, the duo had situated themselves on the sofa comfortably.

    "Why?" He'd retorted, a small frown settled on his features.

    "I don't know." She shook her head softly. "It—it doesn't matter."

    "I don't think your head is fucked, Sof." He had muttered in response, watching carefully as she fiddled with the bracelets around her wrist. "I just think it's a little overwhelmed." He told her honestly, gently grasping her wrist to stop her fidgeting. "You're gonna be fine, I know you will. You're too fucking stubborn to let whatever's going on in there destroy you." He tapped her temple softly.

    Sofia had pursed her lips, nodding and resting her forehead against his bicep. Carl sighed, resting his hand on top of her thigh reassuringly.

    It was barely ten minutes after that she had fallen into a dreamless sleep, Carl had been reluctant to leave her that morning but he knew he needed to check on Judith since Rick wasn't awake yet.

    "There's a girl on our couch." Rick comments as he walks past Sofia nonchalantly as though he's not even surprised that she's there. Michonne raises her eyebrows in amusement as Rick gently rests his hand on the back of Judith's head and kisses her forehead fatherly. "Have an explanation?"

    "She couldn't sleep." Carl states truthfully, taking a large sip of water from his glass. No more needs to be said because Rick and Michonne both know that Sofia has trouble sleeping and the only person who can relieve her from lack of sleep is the teenage Grimes boy.

    The two adults share a look and Rick smiles slightly at Carl who looks at him in confusion.


    "You ever gonna tell her?" Rick asks his son who stares at him as though he's a toddler that's been caught drawing across the new wallpaper. Fuck. Carl never thought it was obvious, he always desperately tried to conceal his feelings for Sofia but maybe he wasn't as subtle as he originally thought.

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