037. the mall

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37. the mall


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⚠️mention of sexual violence

            SOFIA DRUMS HER fingers against the steering wheel as Carl flips through the different cassettes in the glove box. Sofia had improved since the last time she was in the car with Carl, which was good because now he can relax without feeling like he's going to die every few minutes.

       Sofia glances to Carl and the cassettes in his hands, "oh, jackpot!" Sofia grins, taking the cassette from the boy's little pile in his lap and slotting it into the player.

      Come as you are by Nirvana begins playing lowly from the speakers and Carl rolls down his window, resting his forearm on the window with a small smile on his face as they drive in no particular direction with no specific location in mind.

       Rick had agreed that it would be  good idea for them to be out searching for supplies while they figure out what's going on with Gabriel. So, he had signed out one of the vans for them and told them that he expects them back in no longer than a week.

      The pair had agreed to his terms, setting off at the same time that Rick and a few others set out to search for Gabriel after finding a vague clue to where he was in his bible that he'd left behind in the armoury.

      It's been around two days and they are yet to find anything life changing, a few hand guns and some boxes of ammo. A few cans of food and some clothes that seem well intact, as well as some blankets.

      "You think your dad had any luck?" Sofia asks him with a small sigh as they pull into the woods for the night.

      "I hope so." Carl says with a small chuckle as she opens the door and almost falls straight out of her seat. Carl follows Sofia as she grabs a blanket and her sweater before hoisting herself up onto the top of the van.

      "Come on!" Sofia rolls her eyes as Carl carefully walks up the hood of the van and takes her outstretched hand, yanking himself to lay beside her with a small exhale.

     "Look, they're even clearer from here." Sofia whispers as she stares up at the dark sky decorated with bright stars. Since the world ended, the stars have shone though much brighter than before, Sofia likes to think of it as the world thanking nature for ending its suffering, even if that means causing it to people. "Sally taught me so many constellations, i can still remember most of them."

       "Sally, the girl you met before us?"

     "Yeah." Sofia whispers, twirling the braided leather bracelets around her wrist. "It's weird, I barely remember our time together." Sofia shakes her head slowly. "The only vivid memory I have of her is her telling me that I need to kill her."

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