034. unrecognisable

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034. unrecognisable


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                      SOMETHING INSIDE SOFIA keeps on telling her that she isn't just killing Negan's men to try and avenge her friends. Something is telling her that she's also doing it for her. She's doing it for the scared girl that she was before she met Rick and his group. Before she finally felt safe. She remembers the promise she made with herself those years ago, that she would find Negan's people and kill the men that harmed her. She's not just hunting down Negan. But those men that cut her so deep the scar only healed when those memories are replaced with her family.

      Her family.

     Walking down the middle of the road between the tree lines either side, caked in sweat, dirt and so much blood that she doesn't know whether it's from her or the people she's killed or any walkers she's faced on her travels. She thinks of Rosita. How she left her when really she should've been helping her get over Abraham and Glenn. They should've been helping each other. She thinks of Rick and Michonne, how they must feel leading their people into a life of danger and suffering.

Maggie. She needs to find Maggie. She needs to go to Hilltop. Make it right. Make sure the baby is okay and that Hilltop are respecting Maggie and Sasha. And she will. But first, she has another outpost she needs to pay a visit to.

"Shit." Sofia breathes, seeing the cluster of walkers all walking on the path ahead. They haven't noticed her yet. And she's trying to conserve her energy.

So she quickly slips into the tree line and decides to take the woods for both protection and cover as she approaches the perimeter of the outpost.

The leaves on the forest floor crunch beneath her sneakers and and wipes some sweat from her brow. She hears a whistle and suddenly whips around, earning herself a knife in the side.

"The hell are you doin'?!" A man's voice yells at the man that stabbed her as he yanks the knife out and she tries to flip her own switchblade, managing to weakly swing at his arm so a gash is made before stumbling. "Negan wants her alive, dick!"

"She came at me!" The shorter man says, now clutching his bicep where she'd cut him.

"We ain't got time for this." And then the end of a rifle is bashed against her temple, knocking her out cold.


      Spencer Monroe wasn't a team player. He was a selfish asshole that nobody really respected. People only really cared about him because he's Deanna and Reg's son. But seeing him dead on their tarmac brings tears to the people of Alexandria's eyes. Negan killed him. He had Olivia killed.

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