039. the start of it all

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39. the start of it all

 the start of it all

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SOFIA HAD NOT gotten much sleep, too busy thinking about the following day. She was nervous, not that she would admit it, but there are so many things about this plan that can go wrong. Dwight could be lying, even though by the look in his eyes and the mention of her, whoever her may be, Sofia would bet her life that he's being honest with them. But then there's these people that Rick had made a deal with from a garbage dump that Gabriel had led them to, Sofia doesn't trust any of them one bit.

Carl had tried to coax her into sleeping, telling her that they need their energy for tomorrow and holding her close to him. He'd kissed her and told her that they could do anything, as long as they have each other.

     Eventually, she was able to drift off in the arms of her boyfriend, the safety of his arms helping her drift into a light sleep.

     Now, they prepare for the day.

     Sofia is unpacking crates of guns and handing them out to their people and the people from the garbage dump. Carl is helping her and Sofia catches his eye as she hands Francine a gun and he nods firmly at her, we'll win.

      Sofia smiles slightly, nodding back. I know.

      It's almost time, they get into their positions and Sofia is ensuring her guns are loaded when a hand gently pulls on her hip, turning her to face him. Carl stares down at her nervously and she frowns up at him.

     "Sofia..." Carl mutters hesitantly. "We'll be okay."

"We will." Sofia smiles at him. "We should get into our positions."

"Yeah." Carl mutters, leaning down to press a firm kiss against her lips before she turns to walk away and he wrestles with his conscience before sighing heavily. "Sofia!" She turns back to him. "If I tell you I love you, will you punch me?"

      "Depends if you mean it." Sofia grins as she walks backwards away from him. "And if you do, you can tell me when we survive this."

      Carl scoffs out a laugh, shaking his head with a smile in awe of her as she wanders away to talk with Rick for a moment. Sofia then clambers up on the platform beside Rick and Jadis who are on their own, separate platform that is the main watchpoint of Alexandria, right beside the gate.

      "Rosita. Get into position, I'll signal you." Rick tells her and Rosita nods. "And the wall's gonna hold?"

     Rosita nods, glancing to the truck that holsss the explosives and she adjusts her grip on the button, "It'll hold."

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