004. practice makes perfect

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004. practice makes perfect

 practice makes perfect

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       THERE WAS A new and unspoken agreement between Sofia Espinosa and Carl Grimes. It was that as long as they both tried, that they could actually put aside their hatred for one and other. Sofia had rambled to Maggie and Glenn about her dislike towards the prior sheriff's son to which they'd simply smiled in a knowing way. That had annoyed Sofia, but she didn't let that show because she was just grateful that Glenn had made it through the deadly sickness.

    Glenn and Maggie have been much like family to Sofia during the past week and a half. They always check on her and ask if she needs anything, Maggie had hugged her when she had told her about her brother and sister and how she misses them more than anything. Glenn had made her laugh when she was agitated about Carl's comment on the fact that she was annoyed that Daryl had stolen one of her arrows. They'd become two of the most important people in her life in a matter of days and she could never be more grateful that Glenn had been selfless enough to rescue her that day.

     Michonne had gone out and brought back some more pencils for her which had made her even more comfortable around the dark skinned woman that wields a katana. She'd also taught her different ways to swing her machete, since she's extremely skilled with her own sword.

    Rick had been making her feel useful lately, always asking for her help in the field with the crops. It made her happy that she was working for her placed not just staying there because she's recovering from an injury.

     Hershel was kind to her after he'd saved her life. He didn't have a clue who she was or what she'd done, but he saved her because he's a good person with a pure heart. And to Sofia, that's admirable beyond words. She's been helping him with the recovering members of the group, bringing fresh water and food into the cell blocks that they're staying inside and bringing extra antibiotics to those in need of them.

     Beth had become somewhat of a best friend to Sofia, the blonde had mentioned that she's not had a girl around that's only a few years younger or older the whole time. Sofia had helped her take care of Judith and chatted with her about random things like their lives before the apocalypse. Beth was extremely invested in how the boarding school that Sofia had been to worked and when they could actually go to military school.

     Sofia still hasn't opened up about what happened to her before she came to the prison to anyone; anyone other than Carl. She doesn't know why she'd told him, maybe because she knew that it would shut him up at the time, or maybe because she knew that he wouldn't say anything; he hasn't.

    Some people at the prison are still wary of her, but that's expected considering she held their leader and his son at gunpoint as soon as she woke up in the cell block. Some people believe she's too cold hearted and closed off to be considered in the inner circle of the group; Daryl had told her that they're just jealous because she seems to have clicked so quickly with the original members of Rick's group.

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