045. the bridge

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045. the bridge

 the bridge

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                      RICK HAD MADE the decision to build up the bridge again and the other communities had all agreed that it was a good and necessary way forwards for them, since this bridge joins the communities and makes travelling between them a lot easier.

      The saviours agreed to do most of the hard labour for Hilltop, since they have been generous with providing them food whilst their crops have been dying back at the sanctuary, so over half of the work force are ex-saviours. It's been tough to get some of them to fall in line and accept that they're all equals now, but for the most part everyone seems to be getting along just fine.

     Sofia is working on the bridge with Daryl and Aaron, she's been taking a lot of the work too, stepping in when some saviours needed breaks a from the hard work. When she's not working on the bridge she's helping Rick and Carl sort out complications and trading between communities.

      "So, I go in after her nap and pick her up, and the diaper just explodes all over me." Aaron is telling the two and Sofia grimaces with a laugh as she hammers a nail down onto the slab of wood before them.

"Sounds like good times." Daryl comments with a small grin.

"Oh, the best. You'll see." Aaron says and Daryl scoffs, looking at him questionably. "You'd be a great dad."

"Yeah." Daryl chuckles with doubt and Sofia makes sure to keep an eye on Henry who is handing out their rations of water. He does it every hour, sometimes more often if it's really hot, and they're all grateful for him.

Then Sofia watches Henry get shoved to the ground whilst the saviour grabs the water keg and begins pouring it directly into his mouth. Henry, Sofia knows, isn't going to just take that shit, he's all about fairness just like his father so he grabs his stick and swings the man's legs from beneath him making Sofia smile proudly as the man lands on his backside and Henry snatches back the water.

"Hey, man, it's cool. I got my ass handed to me by a kid one time, too." Another saviour grins tauntingly. "Of course, I was 6 at the time."

Sofia decides it's time to go and cool the situation down and she stands up, Daryl following behind her quickly.

"Hey. Kid's just doing his job." Sofia says, grabbing the saviours arm gently and he shoves her off him making her raise her eyebrows as she looks up at the man. "Let's get back to work."

"I don't need your people telling me what to do." He scoffs, looking to Daryl beside Sofia. "You're not my babysitter anymore."

The man goes to hit Daryl but he dodges swiftly and hits him straight in the nose making Sofia gasp as the two large men begin brawling in the middle of the bridge.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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