009. trouble in paradise?

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009. trouble in paradise?

 trouble in paradise?

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            HOLDING JUDITH SECURELY in his arms, Carl walks in the middle of their group of fifteen and his crystalline eyes are focused on the girl who's trudging silently beside her older sister. He had recently overheard them talking about how things have changed and how Rosita is still in disbelief that Sofia is almost fifteen years old. It's been around a week since Terminus

   "A guy's gotta learn to be more subtle staring at his girl's ass." A strong Southern accent says from beside him and Carl jumps slightly, not even noticing that Abraham had joined him.

   Carl frowns, finally taking in what the taller man had said, "I'm not—I wasn't. And she's not my girl." He states persistently, maybe a little too persistently. "I don't even think we're friends."

   "Horse shit." Abraham scoffs and Carl sighs, adjusting his sister in his arms. "You want to hop on the Espinosa bandwagon, I get it. They're badass." He chuckles, gazing over at Rosita and Carl furrows his eyebrows. "Be careful, kid, or you'll end up neck deep in the shittiest shit creek you've ever been neck deep in before. . .trust me."

"Okay. . ." Carl glances at him strangely and he nods firmly at the younger boy, feeling as though his advice was substantial.

"What's up with that Carl kid?" Rosita asks Sofia after glancing momentarily behind her to see Abraham talking to Carl. "He seems nice."

"When he has to be." Sofia mutters and Rosita raises an eyebrow at the younger Espinosa inquisitively. "When I showed up at the prison, he totally hated my guts. Then we were okay, I guess, then something bad happened and obviously now he feels like he has to be nice to me because he feels bad."

"Have you ever thought that maybe he just likes you?" Rosita asks her softly and she scoffs incredulously, shaking her head as though the mere thought of him doing so is absurd. "Jesus, you're so goddamn oblivious." She mutters and Sofia looks at her with a small glare. "I'm gonna go talk to Abe, maybe you can talk to Carl."

Sofia rolls her dark eyes at her sister's teasing tone as she slows to walk alongside Abraham. Carl quickens his pace slightly, not wanting to have to be a third wheel yet again, and Sofia looks to her left seeing Carl adjusting Judith in his arms once again.

"I can take her." Sofia offers and Carl looks at her. "If you're tired, I'll carry her. Give you a break?" The Grimes boy nods, handing over the baby that coos as she settled in Sofia's arms. "Carl?"


"I'm okay." Sofia mutters and Carl nods, knowing what she means. Yet his eyes zero in on a faded bruise on her neck from that man and he feels his jaw clench slightly as he quickly looks away to the road before them. "I don't need you to worry about me."

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