003. infection

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003. infection

————✧⋆✧————                         IT HAD HAPPENED in the night

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                   IT HAD HAPPENED in the night. Karen and David had been violently murdered and dragged out, set on fire. Obviously it had to be somebody in the prison, Sofia had been trying to calm her thoughts because they all scream that everyone will blame it on her. Because she's new and untrustworthy. Sofia is currently sat on her bed with her legs brought to her chest and her back resting against the cool stone wall when Carl enters her room.

"They want us to isolate away from everyone with the kids." Carl explains and she nods, her brown eyes looking distant as she does so. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing, I'm just tired." Sofia lies, blinking and grabbing a backpack from beneath her bed and beginning to stuff it with some spare clothes and her sketchbook, as well as her gun. "Where do they want us?"

"Near the offices." Carl states, watching her as she packs her bag. "I don't think it was you." He murmurs and she looks over at him with a slight frown. "And neither does my Dad, or Tyreese."

Sofia nods, pursing her lips, "Carl." She calls after him as he goes to leave and he turns around, looking at her. "I'm sorry about Patrick."

Carl nods, "yeah, me too."

Sofia lets out a breath when he leaves, shaking her head to herself as she stands up, slinging the bag over her shoulder and stepping out of her cell. She sees Beth holding Judith and smiles, wandering over to hold the baby.

Despite her cold, stoic exterior, Sofia Espinosa would never pass up the opportunity to hold a baby, and she really never thought she'd see another any time soon. She had a nephew but he was only six years younger than herself so she doesn't really remember him being this small.

"Hey." Sofia says quietly as Judith rests her head against the girl's shoulder, cooing and gripping onto her tank top. Sofia feels cold often because of her lack of jackets or flannels, but she's not so phased since it's boiling hot all the time recently.

"You ready?" Carl asks the girls, his eyes flickering over Sofia who's holding Judith in her arms safely as the baby sleeps against her shoulder and Sofia gently pats her hand against Carl's sister's back.

"Yeah, let's go." Beth smiles and the three walk to the hallway where the offices are and find a spacious one, leading the rest of the children in there as well.

Sofia has always felt sympathy for any children growing up in the apocalypse. Obviously she's a child, and so is Carl, but she feels sorry for the children are old enough to remember how it used to be but are too young to understand why it isn't that way anymore. It must be so confusing. Sofia is almost envious of Judith, because she'll grow up not knowing what the world used to be — this world will be her normal. It's a sad way of looking at things, but it's true.

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