033. how to hijack a truck

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033. how to hijack a truck

 how to hijack a truck

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                      SOFIA IS SAT against the wall of her bed-less bedroom. She stares at the dresser drawers opposite her and looks outside at the darkening sky. Her palms rub over the jeans covering her thighs and she leans her head back against the wall.

     "Fuck." She grumbles, standing up sharply and walking to the closet, grabbing her backpack and shoving it onto the ground. She digs her switchblade into the gaps between the floorboards and yanks the loose one from its place.

     She grabs the walkie shoving it into the side pocket of her backpack and then grabs the masses of papers and maps. Sofia shoves them into her bag and stands up shakily. Her body moves as though it's robotic, like her subconscious mind is controlling her as she yanks open the middle drawer of her dresser and rummages through the clothes before finding the box. She quickly flips the lid off and grabs the pistol. She pulls back the chamber, seeing it is fully loaded and she shoved it into the hostler on her thigh.

      She shoves on an baseball shirt that's grey and practically falling apart over her black tank top. As she swings her backpack onto her shoulders and grabs her bow and machete, she groans quietly.

     A guilty feeling takes over and she grabs a notepad from her closet, scrawling a note across the front page with a blunt pencil. She sneaks down the stairs and leaves the notepad on the table before trudging out of the house.

     The next morning, Carl is eating some cereal with his father and Michonne. Aaron is also with them as he and Rick are planning to head out to find goods for the saviours. That's when Rosita barged into the house holding a piece of paper.

     "Rosita?" Michonne says calmly, placing a hand on the Latina's shoulder but she doesn't stay still, panic in her eyes as she holds up the note and begins to read.

     "Rose, I'm sorry. I've tried to let it go but I can't. Don't let anyone come after me. It's not worth it. Love, Sofia."

     "Where's she gone?" Aaron asks in concern, looking between the others.

      Carl stares at the marble counter before him. His face has instantly dropped and his mind raced, his ears muffling Judith's quiet murmurs of gibberish as she eats her food. Gone? After everything, after she promised him she wouldn't leave without them. It was only two nights ago that they'd lay in his mattress-less room after sharing such an intimate experience with one and other. Why would she leave? Why would she leave him? With no clue of where she went.

"She's goin' after them, after Negan." Rick grits his teeth. "Christ—I told her—Aaron, send out a few people. Get word to the Hilltop—"

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