013. barely

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013. barely


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      IT'S BEEN THREE weeks since Beth and Tyreese died. Tyreese had been bitten by a walker when a small section of the group went with their newest member, Noah, to look for his family which they hadn't found. The weeks have been long and hard, the soil is dry and the sun is hot, sweat drips form their foreheads and their throats are dry with thirst.

Sofia is trudging beside Carl, his flannel shirt tied around her waist as she tries to cool down by only wearing her tank top with her cargo pants. She hasn't had a drink all day, trying to conserve their water for Judith and the others.

There's a small herd of walkers on their tail but they're a safe distance away, despite having been following them all day. It's only a couple dozen and nothing they can't handle if needed, well maybe if they find some food and water. For the first time in a while, they feel completely weak and ready to give up.

Collectively, they'd decided to head in the general direction of DC, having sixty miles left which honestly made Sofia want to cry. It's at least one hundred degrees and they haven't had any rain in days, not even a small shower. Sofia can see that Rick is determined for them to keep pushing, but she can also see how concerned he is for everyone's wellbeing and that they might not make it another night without anything to eat or drink.

Reaching a bridge, Rick had formulated a plan to get the walkers of their tail by simply pushing them off the side of the bridge. It seemed a foolproof plan, so Sofia had agreed to help despite the dizziness she feels when moving too quickly.

The walkers near the small group of them whilst the others wait on the other side of the bridge, Carl wanted to help Sofia but she insisted that he stayed with Judith. A walker approaches Rick who backs up slightly towards the start of the bridge and grabs the walkers shoulders, shoving it off the side of the steep slope.

Their plan seems to be working well, Sofia stands still as a walker approaches her before it lunges for her and she quickly swerved out of its way and it heads hurdling down the slope.

"Sasha." She hears Michonne hiss impatiently and Sofia sees Sasha holding the walker by the neck before stabbing it in the head.

"Stay in line. Flank her." Rick takes out his machete and Sofia groans, taking out her own with a tired sigh. "Keep it controlled."

"Plan just got dicked." Abraham sighs as he walks forwards and Sofia quickly slices a walker's skull in half and she sees one grab Glenn from behind.

Rushing over, she grabs the walker by it's greasy hair and it's scalp is torn off it's head making her grimace before jabbing her machete straight down into its brain.

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