041. a key to the future

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041. a key to the future

 a key to the future

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"COME ON, HURRY up." Sofia whistles after checking the road was clear. The large group of Alexandrians are headed to Hilltop on foot, Rick and Michonne had stayed back to gather some things from their demolished home and mourn the loss of Alexandria. Sofia had assured them that when everything was finished, they could clear it of walkers and build up the destroyed buildings but that didn't give the two leaders much hope after seeing the carnage that lay above them.

"Best to stay off the roads, head into the woods right there." Daryl says gruffly and the group follow his orders, Carl holding Judith close as he walks, it reminds Sofia of before Alexandria when they were out on the road, taking turns in holding the baby.

Upon entering the woods, they're faced with a few walkers and Tara steps up, "I got it."

"I'll cover you." Dwight offers as Tara grabs the walker and practically throws it at Dwight who wrestles with the walker.

"Tara!" Sofia yells at her in disbelief.

"What? It got away." Tara shrugs her shoulders. "He can handle it." Dwight throws the walker to the ground, clutching his wounded arm as he stamps his boot down through the walker's head. "See?"

"Hey. Just keep 'em moving." Daryl snaps at her. "Let's move out of here."

The group continue their journeythrough the woods and Daryl and Sofia are up front when they hear Rosita's calls to them. They turn around and see that the rest of the group is not with them, they frown.

"Where are they?" Daryl asks in confusion.

"They needed rest." Rosita sighs, placing her hands on her hips. "They're exhausted. They haven't slept."

Sofia sighs heavily, folding her arms, "All right, 10 minutes. Then we keep going."

"I'm gonna go back, cover our tracks." Daryl says to them and Rosita nods.

"I'll go with you." She offers and he makes a sound of agreement.

"I have a question." Tara says before they can wander off and Sofia sighs, turning to look at her. "Is there a reason why he's still breathing?" She looks at Dwight who's leant against a tree behind her.

"Fight ain't over." Daryl shrugs his shoulders and Tara scoffs.

"It is for him." Tara says adamantly and Dwight looks at the ground. "I'm done waiting."

"Not now." Daryl shakes his head, beginning to walk away. "Not yet."

"He's right. Dwight could have an angle we don't know about." Rosita says, trying to reason with Tara. "He could help. He wants to. Can't give that up yet." Rosita walks away, leaving Sofia to deal with Tara's attitude because she knows that Sofia is good at shutting shit down when she hears it.

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