042. hope

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042. hope


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IT'S GETTING DARK and Sofia is ensuring her guns are loaded and her machete is sharp. Tonight, they face the saviours again, with a new plan that will result in the saviours either dying or running. Carl is sat beside her on the stairs of the mansion house at Hilltop, replacing the clips in his handguns. He notices her jittering knee and places his gun down on the step beside him, gently placing a hand on her shaky knee to stop its bouncing.

"What's on your mind?" Carl whispers, rubbing his hand up and down her thigh.

"What happens when this is over?" Sofia asks him and he frowns at the vague question, licking his lips. "I mean, how do we move on from this? All the...all the things I've done, the people I've killed, I don't regret that, but I don't think I can ever forget it."

"We aren't meant to forget it." Carl says, taking her gun from her hand gently placing it beside his. When this is over, we'll carry it with us. For a while, it will be the only thing on our mind but...not long after that, we can look back and think about what we did for the people we love."

Sofia nods hesitantly and Carl presses a firm kiss to her temple, handing her back her gun when Rosita walks over to them.

"You two ready?"

"Yeah, let's do this." Sofia exhales, the pair standing up and following Rosita outside.

      Sofia hears the trucks pull up outside the wall as she, Rosita and Carl crouch behind a car near the trailers, waiting for it to start. Sofia glances over at the mansion house where she can see Maggie stood talking into the walkie she snagged from the saviour the night of the line-up.

     Hearing the revving of Daryl's motorbike and the rapid fire of the machine gun, Sofia peers out from behind the car and sees the gates open for Daryl. And the saviours do exactly what they expected, they attempt to drive inside before the gates are able to close. And that's why the first truck of saviours crashes into the old school bus that one of Hilltop's men drives in front of the gates.

      Sofia stands up, shooting her assault rifle ruthlessly at the saviours that clamber out of the truck. From the back of the truck behind, about a dozen men stand up and begin shooting arrows at the mansion house. Sofia runs across the stretch of grass and leans against an old SUV, firing her gun at the archers and a few of them fall to the ground injured or dead.

     Sofia watches as the light on the balcony of the mansion house goes out and she quickly fires her gun at each of the headlights close to her, everyone else doing the same and Sofia stays low as she hurried around and out of the gate, standing with her back to the wall of Hilltop and waiting again.

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