015. safe and sound

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015. safe and sound

 safe and sound

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             THE GATES TO Alexandria begin to open and Aaron is the first to step in and join a man who's natural face is just a look of fear. Sofia raises her eyebrows, looking around the outside of the community for a moment before they enter.

   They suddenly hear a loud crash and instantly ready their guns but Daryl shoots his crossbow instantly when he sees a raccoon that's just tumbled off a trash can. Relaxing their arms and lowering their guns, Daryl takes his arrow from the now dead animal that he lifts by the tail.

    "We brought dinner." He grunts and Sofia looks at Aaron and the other man before them who looks royally terrified at their new members' behaviour.

   Aaron sighs, looking at him, "It's okay." He gestures for them to enter. "Come on in, guys."

   Sofia sighs, looking around cautiously as they all walk into the gates and Sofia looks around at the literal neighbourhood they're stood in that's surrounded by the safe walls. This makes her wonder how long this place has been here, and if it's been around since the start, have the people been here that long too? Do none of these people know what it's like outside the safety of these steel walls?

   Aaron sighs as though he knows they're not going to like what he has to say next, "Before we take this any further, I need you all to turn over your weapons." Sofia lets out a bitter chuckle under her breath making Carl nudge her sharply in the side.

   "Stay, you hand them over." The man with the look of fear on his face says cockily and they look at him.

   "We don't know if we want to stay." Rick says, stepping closer to the guy even though they're all aware that he won't try anything, since Judith is held and resting on his hip.

   "It's fine, Nicholas." Aaron says, placing a hand in front of Nicholas. Sofia feels sorry for Aaron, he's only trying to make them feel comfortable with sticking around.

    "If we were gonna use them, we would have started already." Rick says, gesturing to the lack of people in their current part of the neighbourhood.

   Aaron looks at Nicholas warningly, "Let them talk to Deanna first." He says as though he's bargaining with the guy who sighs.

   "Who's Deanna?" Abraham chimes loudly from behind Sofia, making her jump slightly at his volume.

    "She knows everything you'd want to know about this place." Aaron responds before looking to Rick. "Rick, why don't you start?"

   A walker snarls from outside the now closed gate and Rick looks at Sasha, "Sasha." He nods behind her and she points the gun, aiming through the gate and shoots the walker straight between the brows just as the second gate closes over so they now can't see out of the community. "It's a good thing we're here."

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