024. jesus

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024. jesus


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THE WORLD IS ugly, it's fucked up and messy and it always has been. The dead rising and walking among the living just made it a little harder to live with that. But it was this way long before the end of the world, long before modern day, long before civilisation. Part of Sofia wants to belief that they can bring it back to a standard, that as a community they can bring themselves and others back to what used to be. The old world. But the other part of her believes that there is no going back, that the only way to go now is forwards.

Two months passed since the walkers got into the walls and Sofia has been on watch more than ever. Not because she's paranoid or worried about an attack or that another herd is going to wander across to them. But because she gets the be alone, she likes that she can think up there, whilst also doing her part to protect the community.

It's been almost a year since Terminus, since they were starving on the road. It makes Sofia wonder how far they've come, how they're running a community now, and their trust in each other has grown and grown even since they were at their worst. It's been almost a year and a half since Sofia was saved by Daryl and Glenn. Since she was in that cottage and those men broke in. She doesn't think about it often anymore, just sometimes. She doesn't stay up until 11:49PM anymore and she can sometimes even sleep until 8:30AM.

     Carl is proud of how far she's come since they met her. He's proud of the person she's chosen to be. She's happy, she smiles more than she glares nowadays, she laughs at his feeble attempts to joke and she has been going on runs with Glenn who's been teaching her how to drive. Glenn jokes about her being terrible, but she's definitely not bad considering her teacher is nervously shouting at her to stay in one lane despite there being no other cars on the Damn road.

     "You're early." Maggie says up to Sofia who's stood on the watch platform next to the front gate, holding her machine gun as she watches the sun rise over the trees. "How 'bout you come down and help me with the tomatoes after your shift?"

     Sofia smiles down at Maggie who's beaming up at her, "yeah, yeah I'll be there." She smiles and Maggie nods, waving her goodbye. Maggie is just as proud of her as Carl is, seeing the evident change in her over the past year and a half. A good change.

     After another hour, Sofia's shift is over and she sees Abraham wandering over with his gun in his hand, ready to take over.

    "Mornin' little lady." Abraham greets her as she clambers down the ladder, smiling at the tall red head. "How's it up there?"

     "Quiet." Sofia smiles and he nods, placing a large hand on her shoulder before taking off up the ladder.

     The Espinosa girl wanders across the streets and finds Maggie with a small shovel in her hand as she digs up some of the dirt. Maggie smiles as Sofia crouches beside her, beginning to help her shovel some of the healthy dirt. The two girls talk for a while as they plant some more seeds, Maggie occasionally looking up at Sofia as she talks and smiling, knowing that she's doing well.

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