022. surrounded by monsters

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022. surrounded by monsters

 surrounded by monsters

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                  "OPEN THE GATE!"

     Sofia is stood with Michonne, Heath and Tobin who have just returned to Alexandria and explained that the truck collapsed off the quarry and they had to go through with the plan right that day. Glenn and Nicolas aren't with them which has caused her to worry, but not as much as the familiar voice yelling from outside the gate along with the sounds of hundreds of walkers groaning and growling.

    Sofia yanks the gates open with the help of Michonne and her eyes widen at the sight of Rick, alone, sprinting at the front of the biggest herd of walkers she's ever seen in her life.

   "Holy shit." And Michonne can't even find it in her to scold the girl's language because Rick is getting closer. He shoved walkers' that get too close and he stumbles.

    Sofia runs forwards, Tobin and Heath reaching out to stop her but they can't get a grip of her arms as she grabs her machete and slices it through a walker's skull. She does the same to two more and Rick grabs her arm, the two rushing into the safety of the walls and Michonne and the others slam the first gate shut.

    The walkers slam up against it, there arms grabbing at the space between them and the fresh meat on the opposite side of the barrier. Their jaws snap hungrily as Rick leans his hand on Sofia's shoulder as he pants tiredly.

    "Sof?" He breathes and she looks at him, still in shock. "We might have an even bigger problem."

    Sofia stares at him for a moment before looking back to the walkers as Michonne yanks the second gate shut, "yeah, no shit." She says, looking at the shadows of the vicious walkers. "I'll gather everyone up."

    "Yeah." Rick sighs, placing his hands on his hips and watching as the girl strolls down the road.

     After gathering anyone that would come up, they're all stood in the street with the walkers moans droning in the background. Carl is stood beside Sofia, chewing the inside of his cheek and his knuckles brush against hers between them.

      "You can hear it. Some of you saw it. They got back here, half of them." Rick says from the centre of everyone who's scattered around. "Still enough to surround us 20 deep."

     People share worried looks and Sofia keeps her eyes on Rick, but her fingers find their way between Carl's, intertwining and Carl glances at her but she keeps her gaze forwards. Carl's lips twitch slightly, anyone that looked at him would've thought him crazy. They're all potentially going to die in here and he's smiling. Because he has her in his hands and doesn't plan on letting her go.

     "Look, I know you're scared. You haven't seen anything like this. You haven't been through anything like this. But we're safe for now." Rick says reassuringly, looking between everyone. "The panel the truck hit seems intact. We reinforced it just in case. Either way, the wall's gonna hold together. Can you?"

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