008. slaughtered

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008. slaughtered


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            AFTER CATCHING UP with the other members of their group as well as getting to know the new members, they're sat making sharp objects to use as weapons with anything they have on them. Carl frowns when Sofia approached him and turns around, moving her hair away from her back.

    "The necklace." She mutters and he nods, reaching to unclasp the necklace, his fingertips gently brushing against the skin on the back of her neck, causing goosebumps to arise in their path.

   "What's that gonna do?" The girl she now knows as Tara asks her curiously and she grabs the metal charm that is a bulky charm. She presses a button and a sharp blade shoots out of the end making Tara raise her eyebrows. "Remind me to never piss you off." She chuckles nervously and Sofia nods, turning back to sit with Glenn.

    "You okay?" Glenn asks her, noticing her distant expression as she carved random patterns into the wooden floor of the container. "You look like you've been through some shit."

    "It's nothing, I'm fine." Sofia says, smiling reassuringly yet Glenn can't help but glance at Maggie worrisomely. "How did you end up with my sister and her friends?"

    "Uh, long story actually." Glenn chuckles, scratching the side of his head. "I woke up in the prison and found Tara on the road. . .then we were surrounded by walkers and those guys saved us—your sister." Sofia smiles and Glenn chuckles. "You been with Rick the whole time?"

    "Mostly. I spent about a day alone, found Carl looking for supplies in this random neighbourhood." Sofia explains, sharpening the piece of wood that Rick had carved out of the edge of the container. "Rick was pretty hurt, then Michonne came around too. Daryl found us last night." Sofia's pleasant smile drops as she clears her throat and looks down at the wood that's now a perfect stake.

   Carl is sat beside Michonne helping her tied sharp pieces of wood either side of her katana scabbard. He glanced to Sofia and Glenn and purses his lips, happy that Sofia has found her sister, and Glenn and Maggie. He knows how much they care about her, how Glenn was the first person to show her kindness after that night.

    "All right, got four of them pricks coming our way." Abraham says from where he's peering out of the gape in the doorway.

   "Y'all know what to do." Rick says as they all scramble to their feet, getting ready to take one whatever is on the other side of the door with their makeshift weapons. "Go for their eyes first. Then their throats."

   Sofia grips the blade between her middle and ring fingers tightly, holding her arms up and preparing to fight. It's funny, half of them have never spoke to one and other before this day, yet they all come together to fight against the common enemy. Sofia knows now that Abraham, Eugene, Tara and her sister will be apart of their group, even if it's only for a little while before they head to Washington.

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