017. teen drinking

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017. teen drinking

 teen drinking

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                   SOFIA IS IN the garage of Luca and Holly's home after seeing their father kept it as a small gym, she'd asked him if she could stop by before lunch. Carl wasn't the only one in the group that had worries about any of them becoming as weak as the people inside those walls, she wanted to keep up her strength.

Dressed in some grey gym shorts and a black tank top, she's using the punching bag, hitting it roughly with her wrapped hands. Her hair is pulled back into a loose ponytail on her head and her eyes are focused on the firm bag before her.

At boarding school, she would enjoy going to the gym and taking any anger out on the blue punching bags they had there. That's what she's trying to do now, trying to punch out the feeling she felt in that abandoned cottage, and on the road to Terminus.

"Careful now, you might break it." Sofia rolls her eyes, exasperatedly stopping her forceful swings at the bag and stepping away from it, glancing over at Luca who leans on the doorframe folding his arms. "You don't like any of us, do you?"

"It's kind of hard to like you." Sofia sighs, beginning to unwrap her hands as she regulates her heartbeat. "You've all lived in luxury while we've been suffering. And then you all judge us for how we are when you know nothing about how it is out there —— it's insane."

"You should come to Lila's place later, after school." He says, throwing her a fresh bottle of water that she catches swiftly. "We're all going, bring your boyfriend. Though I'm sure my sister has already invited him thirteen times."

"Your sister? Holly?" Sofia raises her eyebrows and Luca chuckles.

"She has a crush on your boyfriend." He specified. "I wouldn't worry, she's overwhelming and ten seconds into a conversation with her you suddenly wish you were deaf so you didn't have to listen to her."

Sofia tilts her head curiously at the boy before her, "Carl's not my boyfriend." She responds and Luca frowns. "Your sister can have him, I don't care."

"Sure you do." Luca rolls his eyes. "But if you don't have a boyfriend then you should definitely come by later, I'll save you some food."

Sofia sighs, walking out of the garage without another word and Luca's eyes follow her with a grin on his face.

After showering, Sofia is sat on her bed in the other house that Rosita and some others had moved to that's beside the one that Rick, Carl, Michonne, Carol and Daryl are sharing. The houses are huge, the kind that you would drive past and wish that you'd one day own. Sofia shares with Rosita, Abraham, Tara, Sasha and Eugene. Glenn and Maggie had gotten a smaller house to themselves because of Maggie's position alongside Deanna.

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