036. dynamite

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36. dynamite


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                 EZEKIEL HAD TURNED their offer down, but Sofia has a feeling that this won't be their last time seeing the infamous king. Daryl had stayed behind at the kingdom, since Ezekiel offered to give him refuge there as the saviours don't enter the walls of the kingdom. Daryl had been reluctant to accept the idea, yet Rick convinced him to stay and try and talk to Ezekiel and figure out why he was so against fighting the people who make their lives hell. And besides, where else could he go if not Hilltop or Alexandria?

Theyre travelling down the highway now, Sofia is clutching the radio in her hand as she stares out of the window. Negan's voice is talking annoyingly through the radio.

"For anyone out there who loved the obese bastard as much as I did, I just want to say a few words. Fat Joey was not the most badass son of a bitch, but he was loyal. He had a great sense of humor. In fact, we were just joking about oral sеx with Lucille the other day." Carl scoffs lightly. "Things will not be the same now that he's dead. Without Fat Joey, Skinny Joey is just Joey. So it's a goddamn tragedy. So, let's have a moment of silence."

Sofia turns to look out of the windshield as the brakes squeal to a stop, they can see a row of multiple cars, blocking the path. Sofia sighs and opens the door, stepping out of the car and Carl clambers out after her, slamming the door behind him softly.

"Someone's trying to block the way." Tara sighs heavily, can anything ever be easy for them?

"Gotta be the Saviours." Sasha suggests and Sofia nods, placing her hands on her hips.

"Look." Carl nods over the miles of woodland and visible through the trees is the top of the tall factory. " I think that's their base over there."

"Yeah, that's it." Sofia scratches her jaw. "Must be trying to make it hard to get to them."

"We gotta keep going. We'll move them, and then we'll move them back." Rick orders and they all nod firmly. "They don't need to know we were here."

      The group get to work on pushing and steering the cars out of the way when Michonne gets Rick's attention as she looks through her binoculars. They now stand behind a steel cable of explosives.

   "What's all this for?" Sofia asks with a soft frown on her forehead as she crouches beside the cable, examining it carefully with her calculating eyes.

      "Wait. When I was hiding in the back of the truck, I heard a couple of them talking about this." Carl recalls quickly, glancing over at the top of the sanctuary. "This is for a herd."

    Rosita nods, standing beside where Sofia is crouched with her hands on her hips, "That's why it's a steel cable." Rosita realises. "It's not just for one walker. It's for a lot."

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