035. the kingdom

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35. the kingdom

 the kingdom

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SOFIA HADN'T SLEPT much. She's changed into fresh clothes and the sun is slowly beginning to rise over the wall of Hilltop. Her dark eyes flicker across the land behind the safety of the tall walls and she notices some green balloons.

     Walking down the small slope, she comes to two graves. Both still looking rather fresh and on one of the makeshift wooden gravestones, there's two bright green balloons tied to the horizontal stick and blowing gently in the early morning breeze.

      Sofia shakily kneels down beside the grave, her lip quivering as her hands touch the fresh soil and she allows salty tears to slip down the cheeks. She knows how disappointed he would be with her. If he could see what she's become. He would see a monster. He would hate her for what she's done. But she cannot bring herself to regret the lives she took to avenge his. To avenge the life he had and could've lived. She needed them to pay for what they did. For them to suffer and feel the pain that he felt. That she felt.

After sitting there for at least an hour, Sofia is sat down with Carl on the grass as the share a carrot.

There's a whistle to get their attention and Rick nods his head towards the mansion house where the group are scheduled to speak with Gregory about fighting the saviours. Only none of them had high hopes that Gregory would join their cause easily.

      "No! No way in hell." Gregory snaps as the Alexandrians and Jesus all gather in his office and he slouches in his big comfy office chair. "That was not the deal. You people swore you could take the Saviors out, and you failed." Sofia sighs. "So any arrangement we had is now done — null and void. We aren't trade partners, we aren't friends, and we never met. We don't know each other. I owe you nothing."

      Gregory's eyes move to Maggie and Sasha, "In fact, you owe me for taking in the refugees, at great personal risk."

     "Oh, you were very brave staying in here while Maggie and Sasha saved this place." Jesus drones sarcastically and Sofia chews on her bottom lip gently. "Your courage was inspiring."

      "Hey, don't you work for me?" Gregory points at Jesus with raised eyebrows. "Aren't we friends?"

      "Gregory, we already started this." Rick sighs and Carl taps the back of Sofia's hand with his own knuckles. She glanced at his concerned face and offers him a reassuring 'I'm okay' smile.

      "You started it."

    "We did." Rick snaps trying to give Gregory reason to join them. "And we're gonna win. These are killers. Is this how you want to live? Under their thumb, killing your people?"

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