011. reluctant to leave

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011. reluctant to leave

 reluctant to leave

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         BOB HAD PASSED early in the morning, they'd all been able to speak their last words to him. Sofia hadn't said much, she doesn't like seeing people on their death beds, but she'd told him that and he'd chuckled and said he understood where she was coming from. They buried him and Sasha had been the one to make the cross with two sticks and some string as they usually do.

    Sofia and the others that are heading to DC are saying their temporary goodbyes, though it all feels so real. It feels like they're saying goodbye.

"I'm gonna miss you." Michonne chuckles when Sofia exits Gabriel's office where she'd been changing into some fresh, khaki green cargos and a black tank top, her hair braided messily down her head. Sofia smiles, walking into Michonne's arms that were held open and the dark skinned woman smiles, hugging the younger girl tightly. "Carl will too." She teases and Sofia rolls her eyes, pushing her away jokingly making Michonne laugh.

"See you soon." She mutters, trudging through the church and outside, seeing the rest of them gathered and saying their farewells. "Hey."

Sasha turns around and Sofia's heart aches slightly when she notices that she's wearing Bob's jacket. Sasha offers her a slight smile, pulling her into a hug and Sofia swallows as she looks over her shoulder where Bob's fresh grave lies.

"Sofia." Sofia turns around after releasing Sasha, looking at Carl who's carrying Judith in his arms, as usual. "In case it gets cold in DC." She glances down at his arm that isn't holding Judith against him and sees a blue and white flannel shirt making her sigh and take it. "Bye Sofia." He offers her a tight lipped smile.

"Yeah." She breathes, walking down the steps away from him and grimacing to herself, muttering a series of curses under her breath.

"Sofia." She turns around and sees Carl walking towards her and he hugs her tightly, gripping onto her waist. Sofia frowns slightly before returning the embrace around his shoulders, burying her face into his shoulder. "Just incase." He mutters and she nods, still slightly confused as they pull apart.

"Bye Judith." Sofia whispers as Judith is handed to her from Maggie who had previously been saying goodbye to the baby as though she understood what was going on.

"She'll miss you, y'know?" Carl says with a small smile and as she gently hands the baby back to her brother. "Thanks for helping with her."

"Yeah, of course." Sofia shakes her head as though it's expected of anyone to do so.

"You're sure you want to go?" Rick asks her as he approaches them, placing a hand on her shoulder and she forces a smile, and even that is half hearted, before nodding. "Alright. . .we'll see you real soon."

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