006. monsters

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006. monsters


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        TURNS OUT THAT it was Michonne at the door, much to the three of their relief. They'd been awake for around an hour now and Sofia is sat at the dining table with Carl eating some cereal when Michonne makes her way from upstairs with a shirt on that is simply not her style. Sofia never though she would see Michonne in a shirt, yet there she stands.

    Carl seems to find it amusing also as he begins to chuckle and Michonne looks at the two teenagers with raised eyebrows, "Do you have something to say about my extremely comfortable and attractive shirt?" She asks, rolling the sleeves up.

    Carl shakes his head, smiling, "No, no, no. It looks great. Oh, you missed a—" he points at the buttons on her stomach and Michonne fixes it and ties the shirt at the back, sighing as she sits down at the top of the table whilst Carl and Sofia share amused glances.

    "I wish we had some soy milk." Michonne sighs as she pours some of the cereal into a bowl and Carl looks at her in disgust.


    "Yes, seriously." Michonne nods and Sofia and Cark share a look before grimacing in disbelief. Michonne looks between them with raised eyebrows, "Have you ever tried it?"

    "My best friend in third grade he was allergic to dairy." Carl explains and Michonne nods. "And every day he would bring this soy stuff to lunch. I tried it."


    "I threw up!" Carl laughs and Michonne looks at him in disbelief.

"Oh, yeah, right."

    "All right, all right. I almost threw up. But I was like," he proceeds to imitate gagging and holding his stomach making Sofia smile as he laughs. "It was so gross. I mean, literally, I would rather have powdered milk than to have to drink that stuff again. I would rather have Judith's formula—"

    The room goes silent and Carl's smiling face drops after her realised what he had said and Michonne stares into her bowl whilst Sofia looks at Carl in concern.

    "I'm gonna go finish my book." Carl mutters, standing up from the seat. "I have a couple chapters left." He leaves the kitchen and the two girls alone together.

    Michonne lets out a deep sigh, looking at Sofia who's now eating her food quietly with a distracted expression on her face. "You okay in there?" She whispers softly and Sofia glances up from where she's staring at the table blankly.

    "Just thinking." Sofia breathes before getting up from her seat. "I'm gonna go and make sure he's okay." Michonne nods and Sofia slowly climbs the staircase and looks into the boys room.

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