014. a chance

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014. a chance


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WAKING UP EARLY, Sofia notices that everybody else is still asleep. After the intense events the previous night, they'd all decided to sleep in the main part of the barn and Sofia sits up, seeing that she's next to Carl who's arm she was using as a makeshift pillow. She sees that Judith is awake in Rick's sleeping arms making her smile slightly.

Sofia looks around, seeing that everyone is asleep but she can't see Maggie or Sasha. However, she sees Daryl sat with his back leaning against the wall as he picks at his nails.

Standing up, she joins him and slowly sits down beside him. For the first few moments, she doesn't say anything, just sits in his company as she stares at the rest of the sleeping group.

"Did you get much sleep?" Sofia asks him, looking at him and he keeps his eyes on his fingers.

"Nah." He shakes his head, leaning it back against the wooden planks and she nods. "Did you?"

"Nope." Sofia says, emphasising the p sound and Daryl sighs. "I'm. . .I don't think I'm gonna be able to sleep properly again."

Daryl looks at her with a small frown, "you will." He says adamantly. "You got Carl. He'll keep you safe when y'all sleep. Hell, we all will. It's gotta take time, kid, but you'll get there. Cause you got us."

Michonne is the next person to awaken and one by one the others follow and Sofia has Judith sat between her legs as she faces her, allowing the baby to play with her fingers as she leans against a pillar.

The doors to the barn open a touch and Maggie pops her head through, "Hey." Everyone looks up at Maggie. "Everyone. . .This is Aaron."

A man walks in behind Maggie, followed by Sasha and they all pick up their guns and Daryl stands up quickly to head outside and look around for anyone that may have followed. He's wearing a blue raincoat and looks as though he couldn't hurt a fly. Sofia stands up, lifting Judith into her arms as she does so.

"We met him outside. He's by himself." Maggie explains as Daryl begins to pat him down. "We took his weapons and we took his gear."

"Hi." Aaron says, seeming slightly overwhelmed by their intense welcome. "It's nice to meet you."

Judith begins to cry in Sofia's arms and she shushes her softly, seeing that she's reaching out for Carl who steps forwards and holds his hands out, Sofia carefully handing him his sister who calms down in her brother's arms.

"You said he had a weapon?" Rick asks and Maggie approaches him, handing him the small gun that Aaron brought. Rick examines the gun before stuffing it into his belt and looking at Aaron. "There something you need?"

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