018. noah

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018. noah


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CARL IS AWOKEN in the morning by a hearty laugh from downstairs making him frown as he opens his eyes to the familiar room that isn't his own. His hair is in his eyes and he groans, moving it away and realising that it is in fact not his hair. But hair belonging to Sofia Espinosa who sleeps beside him dreamlessly, her arms around the pillow and her head faces away from him.

      His eyes widen and he sits up slowly, seeing that they're both still dressed in their clothes from last night and her breaths are soft and even. Carl's blue eyes soften, looking at her watch and seeing that it's almost seven thirty.

     "Sof." He mutters after taking in the sight of her, his hand reaches out carefully to gently shake her arm. "Sofia. It's seven thirty."

    Sofia groans, shrugging his hand away from her and he smiles cheekily, noticing the way her almost opening her eyes but buried her face into the pillow when the sunlight hit her face.

    He exaggeratedly shakes her leg, almost making her fall off the bed and she yelps, feeling herself almost go over the edge but he quickly grabs her hips and pulls her back on.

     "Okay, okay. I'm up." She grumbles, sitting up and rubbing her tired eyes. "What time is it?"

     Carl grabs her wrist and taps his finger against her watch making her hold her middle finger up at him.

     "Oh shit." Sofia says, practically leaping from the bed and rummaging around in the dressers for fresh clothes. "Shit!"

     "What? What is it?" Carl asks worrisomely.

    "I told Deanna I would take a shift on watch at eight." She mutters. "Turn around."

     Carl quickly swivels around on the mattress to face the wall, hearing her shirt hit the floor as she changes quickly. After hearing her faint okay, he turns back around and sees that she's dressed in some dark blue skinny jeans and a grey T-shirt.

    "Socks." She nods to the drawer beside her bed and he reaches over and grabs some socks from the drawer, throwing them at her. "Thanks." She shrugs them on and grabs her jacket, shrugging it on.

     "Want me to come with?" Carl asks her as he shrugs on his boots and follows her into the bathroom where she brushes her teeth. "Could help you up on watch? We all know I'm a better shot than you."

     "In your dreams, cowboy." She says though her voice is muffled by the toothbrush making him cup and hand around his ear, screwing his face up as though he's having trouble hearing her. "Oh, shut up."

     "Didn't say anything." He grins as she pushes his chest out the way as she exits the room.

     "Mornin'." Abraham's cheery voice says as she passes him at the bottom of the stairs. He spots Carl following behind her and frowns. "Uh—"

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