019. the turning point

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019. the turning point

 the turning point

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SOFIA SIGHS AS she wanders through the woods outside the walls, annoyance creeping over her when she hears yet another twig snap, knowing she's being followed. She comes out almost every day, just to clear her head and he alone. Although Carl Grimes has made an incessant habit of following her.

Carl worries about her when she leaves, he's scared she won't come back one of these days. So, about ten minutes after she leaves he often goes after her.

"Carl." She calls out into the air. "I know you're following me. I know you always follow me." She calls and she hears him sigh in defeat. "You're very loud." A twig snaps. "Can you just please go home?"

"You shouldn't be out here alone." Carl calls to her and she steps out from behind the tree she's at making him jump slightly. "It's not safe, especially when you don't tell anyone that you're leaving."

"I can look after myself. I'm a big girl now, cowboy." She smiles sarcastically making him sigh and walk over to join her as she begins to trudge away from him. "Look. I just. . .I don't like spending all my time in there."

"I get it." Carl says to her, seeing that she's wearing a coat like him in the chilly afternoon. "You don't have to explain. I just don't like that you're out here alone. . .I worry about you."

"And I've told you not to." Sofia says, approaching a log and sitting on the ground with her back against it. "I'm perfect."

Oh, I know

"Well you make it kind of easy to worry about you." Carl retorts, sliding down beside her and resting his elbows on his knees and she scoffs, leaning further into the log. "You never really told me what happened. . .before."

     Sofia blinks, taking her knife and digging it into the log as she looks away from his soft features, his eyes are kind and welcoming. She draws her bottom lip between her teeth nervously, carving her initials into the log.

     "It. . ." Sofia sucks in a breath, feeling her eyes burn with tears and she swallows the urge to just cry. "It doesn't matter anymore." She says firmly and he sighs, knowing that's not true. He knows that it still affects her, that she thinks about it all the time. "It was almost a year ago."

    Carl's lips purse together as he stares at her, studying her as she just gazes at her hands.

    He goes to speak but is interrupted by the familiar moans and groans of walkers approaching them and he stands up, holding a hand out and she looks up at him, grabbing it and allowing him to yank her to her feet.

     "Can we take them?" Sofia asks him quietly as he looks around a tree at the approaching group of walkers and he sighs, shaking his head. They could have if they had guns, but he doesn't see one on her belt and he forgot to grab his own. "Oh! In there."

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