028. last day on earth

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028. last day on earth

 last day on earth

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          SOFIA LOOKS UP to Rick Grimes. More than she does to anyone. Yet, she can't give him props for this, because he seriously believed that she would sit around in Alexandria with the saviours out there and Maggie dangerously ill and also their people out there with no way to contact them. Rick Grimes will later call himself stupid for being sure that she would do as told and stay in the safety of the walls of Alexandria.

      "I love you, Jude, but our family is in trouble." Sofia says as she carries the toddler across the street of the growing community. "Don't worry. I'll bring your brother and your Daddy back safe, okay? But I need you to be good for Tobin."

Judith frowns, as though knowing that Sofia is putting herself in danger and she grabs the teenagers shoulders, hugging her closely. Sofia sighs heavily, kissing her head gently and rubbing her hand over the toddler's back.

"Hey, Tobin." Sofia says when he answers his door and he smiles at the sight of her. "Gabriel wants me to give him a hand at one of the watchpoints. Do you mind watching this one for a few?"

"Oh, not at all." Tobin smiles, taking Judith carefully from Sofia who smiles at him. "You haven't heard from Carol, have you?"

"No." Sofia says, looking at him sadly. "I'm sorry, Tobin."

"S'okay." Tobin smiles at her, though it's tight and forced. "You go on now, don't let me keep you."

Sofia wishes she could stay. She could keep Tobin company whilst he misses Carol alone. But she can't. Because Maggie is out there. And so are the saviours.

"Fuck me." Sofia mutters to herself, seeing Olivia standing in the food garage in front of the armoury, keeping track of rations of whatever food they're still scraping together. "Olivia, hey."

"Sofia." Olivia sighs sadly. "Sorry. I was told not to let you through to the armoury—"

"Are you shitting me?" Sofia whispers, turning around and rubbing her hands over her face in exasperation. "Well—Olivia, people might die! I need you to give me some fucking guns."


"I can't—fine." Sofia exhales, storming out of the garage impatiently. Olivia stands in confusion, yet doesn't think of it again. Big mistake on her part because Sofia was currently clambering up the gutter pipe to the second floor of the food/armoury house.

"What the fuck." Sofia breathes out as she finally reaches a window and jabs her knife at the edge a few times before harshly shoving it open.

Sofia has always been good at sneaking around, she used to sneak out with one friend from boarding school to sit by the lake and watch the stars above them twinkle and glisten in the dark sky. So, creeping into the building and slowly down the stairs was simple for Sofia.

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