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"Where do you think you're going!?!"

Kaleb stood up from his chair and walked up to where I was canceling the call I just had with my driver and getting ready to storm off the door and into where Kao was.

"You just heard what Gum said."

I glared at Kaleb as I thought about what the mole bodyguard I assigned to watch over Kao in secret told me.

"Not really, you were screaming your lungs out after his first sentence. But that's not the point. The point is you're acting crazy again.."

Kaleb pointed out and only then I realized that was a really yell I graced my driver.

I thought I was just imagining it.

But I didn't need to admit that right?

Specially to my best friend.

"I'm acting crazy!?! You heard what the guy said, Kao could be in danger. He trusts people easily and has no self regard, I need to make sure he's safe."


This is a more pressing matter I could not let Kao be by himself now.

With what Gum just told me, there's a huge possibility that Kao could be in trouble.

"Pete! Are you even listening to yourself? Kao is a grown man and is capable of taking care of himself. Besides, you've reminded Gum over and over again to watch over and take care of Kao, what else is it that you want? Let the man breath."

I've praised Kaleb time and again about his intelligence and mindset and I never sugar coat it when I do because I was being honest.

But at the moment, I just wished my best friend is dumb.

"Kaleb, I've let him be for far too long and looked what happened? The guy hates me. I need to redeem myself. Or at least make up for all those times I was not able to protect him."

I know that it's been too long and too late now for me to act all knight in shining armor for Kao, but I was sincere when I said that I wanted to make up for everything with everything that I can and everything that I have.

But listening to Kaleb now, I must admit, I wa second guessing my ideas.

"By making him hate you more? Pete, I get you. I know where you're coming from. Trust me, I do. I also want that. What's best for Kao. But that doesn't mean we cage him this way. We already talked about this. You agree that you'll only be taking Kao in to help him get back on his feet and take back those five years that he lost when you weren't there. Can you just do it? And maybe see where it leads for the two of you in the future? Don't scare him. He might run away again and this time, he may never come back."

I groaned loudly.

Kaleb could really be a pain in the neck sometimes.

He and his wise words.

"Ugh! You talk too much, Kaleb!"

I hated it when he makes so much sense and a part of me still wanted to do the things he tells me not to.

"So what do I do now? Huh? Smart boy? You suggest I just let Kao be with those possible perverts???"

It's not that I don't trust Kao.

I trust him.

The and now.

And I've always had faith in him.

It's the people that he associate himself with that makes me skeptical.

Kao is just too kind and trusting for his own good.

BexB: A PeteKao Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now