Dark Chocolate

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So you craving that dark chocolate huh? First off let me congratulate you for coming over to the dark side. You're one of the few that realized that those light bright walking sticks aren't all that. But let me tell you a little piece of advice. Having a dark skinned man isn't as easy as you might think. Of course he's gonna hold you down. Cause you're his woman. He knows that you need all the love, happiness, joy and support you can get in this cruel world and he's here for you no matter what cause that's how he was raised. But can you hold him down?

He's strong yet soft. Independent yet needs help to get where he needs to get every once in a while. He's beautiful yet broken. When you see him walking down the street his head is held high and it seems as though he's got it all together. And that's true he does, but behind every great man is an even greater woman.

He'll need you to soothe him to sleep on those long nights where he can't sleep because he's worried about everything that can go wrong.
He'll need you when all the temptation in the world is telling him to do wrong you'll have to be that one voice to tell him right.
When his blood is boiling because some assbutt feels as though he can touch you in ways only his hands is aloud to. He'll need you to tell him that it's not worth it. To keep him calm and to have a level head.
He'll need you for those days where nothing has gone right and he feels as though the world is crumbling. He'll need you to be his outlet for anger. Of course he won't hit you but he'll fuck you like he's taking everything that went wrong in the world out on you.

He'll need you not just for the good but for the bad too. Not just for a fuck toy but for a true companion. He'll need you because you're the only good in this world that he knows is for sure.

The question is can you handle it?

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