Fight(Chris Brown)

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Out of the three years you and Christopher have been together you two have never fought like this. Yes you two were very stubborn and highly opinionated but that was never really a factor in the fights you two had in the past.

It all started with a simple day in the studio. He wanted you to come with him because you two haven't spent quality time in a while with his new and upcoming album coming out soon.

While he was in the booth singing beautifully as always, the new singer August Alsina came in to see when the next available studio time would be. He was quickly distracted when he saw you sitting there looking intoxicating. August couldn't help himself he had a thing for big girls, something he could grab onto.

He sat on the couch and started talking to you. Not only did he make you laugh like crazy but he was easy to talk to.

Chris saw the two of you talking and laughing. He felt there could be more space between the two of you and seeing you give him that smile he thought you only gave him made something turn inside of him.

His anger got the best of him. He stormed out the booth and practically dragged you out the building and into the car. Making you extremely embarrassed in front of August Alsina a singer you absolutely adored.

The drive home was quiet but full of tension and pent up anger. Not just for you but for Chris also.

As soon as you two got home the fight started immediately. "How the hell could you embarrass me like that?" he yelled closing your front door. "You think you were embarrassed try being dragged out like a child in front of your favorite singer" you yelled matching his volume.

The fight went from discussing what happened earlier today to just saying the rudest things you two could think of just to hurt the other.

"If I ever see you flirting with another guy again..." "what are you going to do hit me?" you said without thinking. You knew that was a low blow. After all the carp he's been through with his whole Rihanna situation he didn't deserve for you to throw that back in his face.

But it was to late for you to take it back. He was already out the door and in the car taking off. You were stuck here in this empty house that resembled a war zone. There were clothes every where, broken picture frames, shattered glass. However the most broken thing left in that house was you. You were hurt by the words left hanging in the air. "Ugly, fat, someone better, useless, rebound, breakup, not coming back, no love".

You cleaned the house trying to busy yourself, so you wouldn't think about the fight and also hoping Chris would come back. You fell asleep on the couch tired and heartbroken.

You were awoken by the sound of the front door opening and Chris stumbling and cursing. You knew he was drunk but didn't care you were just glad he came back even if he didn't know how he got here.

You greeted him at the door. Putting your arm around him and helping him as much as possible to get upstairs. He kept mumbling under his breath "So close, so fucking close". You wanted to know what he meant but knew you wouldn't get it out of him while he was drunk.

The next morning you woke in the guest bedroom still very upset about the events from the previous night.

You walked down stairs and poured yourself a bowl of cereal.

A few minutes later a hungover Chris came down miserable and hungry. He took your lead and fixed a bowl of cereal for himself also.

The silence was deafening, you two could barely make eye contact. "Chris" you called "What did you mean by so close last night?" you asked "Nothing" he said keeping his head down "Chris please tell me and don't lie" you begged.

He sighed heavily and rubbed his face "I was close to going over to Karrueche's house last night" "Then why didn't you?" you questioned "Because I knew I had something better at home" "oh that's not what you were screaming last night" you said bluntly. He sighed again and got up pulling you out of your chair. "Listen to me and listen to me good Alexis. Yesterday was a hot ass mess. I said something's you said something's. And I know we didn't mean it. We've been together for three years and I don't plan on leaving because of some silly little fight. Do you agree?" he asked searching your eyes for some hint of forgiveness.

This was a big fight and you didn't know if you could let all the things he said to you go. But you knew you were gonna fight for your relationship. You loved this man to much to not give it one more go.

You nodded your head to his previous question. He smiled his billion dollar smile, grabbed your face and kissed you with so much force and passion you thought your heart was going to burst.

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